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~*Chapter 27*~

Nick and I escaped into a hall way deep into our new place. "I'm scared," I said hanging onto Nick's arm.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I promise you everything will be great," he said kissing my forehead and leading me out to the dining room where Jane was setting up some things.

"Well darling the place looks wonderful. This has really become an original home for the two of you," Jane said directly to me.

"Thanks Jane. I'm going to go and look for some designs and some other stuff, ya know just to brighten it up," I added with a smile. Soon enough the doorbell rang and mr.Carter came in with the rest of the Carter clan.

"Hey beej. How are things?" I asked giving her a hug.

"Great, now that your back. It took all my will not to call you once you got back. But I know you wanted to be with Nick after your honeymoon," she said a little disapointment.

"I'm glad to be back. We need to go shopping soon," I said leading her to the kitchen. And then soon the doorbell rang and I saw the guys standing in my doorway. I took in a deep breath and smiled.

"Hey sweetie," Brian said hugging me.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"Good. Now give me a scoop on this big news?" he asked.

"What big news?" I asked.

"Oh everytime you and Nick call us over it's something," he said.

"Well, maybe something," I smiled and led him to the dining room. I sat everyone down at the table. The dining room was soon filled with chatter and the smell of garlic. I sat next to Nick and held his hand under the table. Every once and a hwile I would squeeze it tight and then slowly smile at him. He'd smile back. "Okay kids what's the news," Mr.Carter asked.

"News?" Nick and I both looked at each other.

"Son, do you expect me to believe you and Jess went to all this trouble with cooking a big meal and all, just for the heck of it?" he asked.

"Okay well there is some news," I said no longer able to contain it.

"Jessica's right. We do have ummmm...information to let you know of," He said slowly looking at me, then everyone else.

"Jess and I love each other very much. To be able to take this next step in our relationship is making us both very excited. Jess and I are umm...well... were having a baby," Nick said holding tight to my hand. There was a silence for a moment that hit the room like a tornado taking everything out in it's path.

"Somebody say something, please," I begged feeling akward.

"I'll say something. How about this? Thanks Carter!! You've ruined my life once again. I thought I was over you with Jess and all, but now you go on and ruin my career. Do you understand what this will do to us!!???" A.J. stood tall.

"Alex, calm down," I said walking over to him and trying to get him to calm down.

"Jess, leave me alone. That's it! I'm out of here!!" He yelled and stormed off. I looked back at Nick and began to cry. I ran towards him and found myself crying next to him.

"Now sweetheart it's ok A.J. will get over it," Mr.Carter said rubbing my back.

"Thanks," I said wiping away the tears.

"I don't know about him but I'm happy," Mrs.Carter smiled at me. I smiled back and turned towards b.j.

"So?" I asked.

"I'm happy," she said pushing forward a smile.

"Hey Dad, I'm gonna take these guys home. See-ya later," B.J. said leading the rest of the kids out. Nick and I looked towards the guys.

"Nick I'm not gonna lie and say this is going to help us career wise. But man we will make it," Kevin said hugging Nick. I noticed this brought him a smile. Brian was happy as was Howie, but I could tell Nick was really worried about what A.J. was thinking. Everyone left and Nick and I didn't say anything to each other. We went to bed and the phone rang. "Hello?" I asked answering it.

"Jess, it's B.J. I just wanted to tell you I'm not sure how well I am going to take this whole baby thing," she said.

"Well... what do you mean?" I asked scared.

"I know Nick and the baby will always be first and I'll end up being something left behind in the dust," she said. I could hear her tears from the reciever and could feel mine coming down.

"Nothing between us will ever change. I love you so much and always will," I said crying.

"Loook Jess, I don't have the strength to talk about this, bye," she said and hung up.

"Who was it?" Nick asked. I turned around and he could see the tears coming down and the redness of my eyes.

"B.J. she's upset about this stuff. God Nick, I'm so confused," I said. He pulled me up against his bare chest and helled me. His heart beat against my ear.

"Nick I am so sorry I ruined your career," I said leaving tears on his chest.

"You didn't ruin my career. You've only made my life more glorious than it was," he said runing his hands through my hair.

"Nick, I want this," I said rubbing my growing stomach.

"I would never ask you to give up our baby. This is ours and where keeping it. A.J. will come to his senses," he said.

"I love you," I said slowly begining to fall asleep.

"Shhhh.....sleep my angel," Nick whispered.

"And my little angel," Nick said touching my stomach, and smiling

Chapter 28
Chapter 26