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~*Chapter 38*~

"Oh common we all know the answer. Oh just use your life line," I yelled at the t.v. I was sitting in the living room, eating some chips.

"Jess, stop yelling at the t.v.!" Nick said from the kitchen where he was doing the dishes.

"Nick, these people drive me crazy!" I yelled.

"I know, I know. Just be polite. What if the baby comes out yelling," he said turning off the sink.

"I hope it does come out yelling. I want a healthy baby."

"I do too," Nick said wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing my cheek. I was about to kiss him back when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Jess, it's me Danielle," the voice said.

"Hey what's up?" I asked unaware of her call.

"Yeah I know I haven't called you since you got back from the honeymoon but I heard about the baby. I'm gonna be down there in a week on a buisness trip," she said.

"Oh Danielle that would be so great, you could come down and hang out with Beej and I," I said happy.

"I can't wait! But I'll have to do some business, but I'll put in a lot of play. Is that cutie Brian still around?" she asked.

"Yeah and single," I said smiling at Nick.

"Great we'll I'll be there in a week. I'll call you with the details. Talk to you soon," she said and hung up.

"So who was that?" Nick asked.

"Danielle she's coming down in a week. I think she'd looking forward to seeing Brian," I said grining.

"Maybe we could do a little match-making," Nick winked.

"Oh so now it's Nick the matchmaker,"

"I'd just like to see you in a little cloth runing around with a bow and arrow," I laughed.

"Well maybe if you turn off the stupid millionare game I could take you upstairs and show you my little cloth," Nick said motioning upstairs.

"No way millionare's on!" I laughed and turned the t.v. back up.

"Her plane get's here in ten minutes. Stop goofing off," I yelled at Nick and Brian. The two where being goofs running around the airport, buying as much candy as possible.

"Nick, calm down Danielle's gonna be here in ten minutes. Be mature," Brian said standing next to me.

"I'm the mature one Jess. How come you never went for me?" he asked.

"Bri, ya know how much I love immature guys. Just look at it..I dated A.J. and married the most immmature of them all, Nick," I laughed.

"Hey I am so not immature," nick complained.

"That's right sweetie your not," I said kissing him.

"You guys are so in love. I hope I can find someone who will make me as happy. Someone I can make happy," Brian said.

"Oh Brian you will," I said smiling when Danielle came through the terminal.

"I think she might have just walked in," Nick whispered in my ear. I saw Danielles blonde hair and slim figure come closer. I guess I was always jealous of her. She had the looks, the smile, and the sweetness. Now I was extremely jealous. I looked like I had a watermelon in my shirt and she was as flat as a pancake. "Oh my gosh Dannie!" I yelled hugging her.

"Look at you, your so motherish!" she said reffering to my stomach.

"Danielle you remember Brian," I said introducing the two.

"How could I forget the most charming backstreet boy?" she said in a flertatious tone. Brian smiled,

"Let's get your bags." Nick and I tried to give them as much space as possible.

"You guys don't mind heading out for dinner, do you?" I asked.

"Yeah Jess always get's hungry around six," Nick said. They both agreed and we headed to a Mexican Restaurant. We all ate in silence. Afterwards I could tell I needed to lay down. "Why don't I take Danielle and show her around town. I promise I'll bring her back safe. Maybe we'll get a chance to hit some clubs,"Brian smiled widely. Danielle thought it was a great idea. Nick and I went home and litterely passed out.

"I know you wish you where out there dancing too," I said.

"No, way there's no where else I'd rather be than sitting here with you," he said.

"Your only saying that," I said.

"No I'm serious I'm not. I love sitting here and watching over you," he said.

"I sometimes sit here and just watch you. It's so amazing," he said.

"I love you," I siad closing my eyes.

Chapter 36
Chapter 39