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~*Chapter 40*~

"Nick the men's restroom is the next door," I said.

"I don't need to use the restroom Jess," he said.

"Well you better leave," I said.

"Not until we talk about this."

"Nick there's nothing to talk about."

"Jess there's something to talk about. When you storm off at dinner there's something to talk about."

"Well I don't wanna talk about it. It's over with let's get out there," I said trying to push past him to the door. He stopped me from going any furthur.

"Were not going anywhere until this is settled," He said locking the bathroom door.

"Nick I don't think that is such a good idea,"

"I don't care. You and I are going to sit here and talk this out. Those old women can use the men's room," he laughed. I didn't crack a smile.

"Jess you know our marriage has to be based on comunication and trustworthyness," he said sitting me down on the couch. I kept silent still not willing to tell him.

"Jess talk!"

"I hate being an ugly pregnant women!" I said frusterated.

"Ugly?" Nick asked.

"Yes ugly. Don't you see it. Danielle has all the looks and I've got a stomach the size of Canada," I started to cry.

"That's what this is about?" Nick asdked.

"Yes," I said burying my head in my hands.

"Honey you're the most gorgeous women I know. Before you where just beautiful and cute. But since this baby has come into our lives you gorgeous and sexy and everything beyond that." he said.

"Then why are you hitting on Danielle?" I asked with tears runing down my face.

"Hiting on Danielle?" He asked.

"Yeah you two seemed so chummy today," I aded.

"No way would I ever hit on your best friend. It doesn't matter she has a thing for Brian and he has a hitting for her. Your the only women in my life, always and forever," he said trying to wrap his arm around me.

"Nick it's no use," I said.

"Sweetie please," he said.

"Nick I know you don't find me attractive anymore. It's just like in high-school, everyone thought Danielle was so pretty and I was just okay," I cried.

"Babe,you have an amazing personalitly, your gorgeous and have a wonderful heart. Now I don't know if Danielle can top that," he said smiling down on me.

"Hey how about we let those two love birds have a nice dinner alone. We'll pick up some hamburgers and stuff and head back home," Nick said.

"That's boring Nick, I don't wanna be home all night," I said.

"Honey I promise you this night won't be boring," He grinned.

"Well only if you promise," I said.

"Promise," he said leaning towards my lips.

"Mmmm just as good of a kisser as ever," he said kissing my cheek.

"Hey open this door!" I heard an older women say.

"Oh god we better get out of here," Nick laughed.

Chapter 39