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~*The Story...*~


The sun was warm and bright over the southern Florida amusemant part that day. childern ran around, mothers ran after them, teenagers held hands, and vendors sold ice cream. on the roller coaster, Lauren and Megan sat in the back seat, their boyfriends Nick and Aj in front of them. Aj gripped anything possible, sursing nick for making him go on. his eyes were clenched shut as the cars began to move, Nick laughing beside him. the rush of air from dropping down the first slope enveloped the screams of excitment but as for a his was screaming because of fear! the air pulled everyones hair from the faces to a trail behind them.

After the ride concluded, the four got off, the respective couples immediately clasping hands. Megan soothingly wispered to Aj that it was ok. he said he was fine, just scared out of his mind. She smiled softly and pressed a tender kiss to his cheek before glancing ahead of her. Nick and Lauren were laughing and giggling about how much fun they just had.

"Wanna go on it again?!" Lauren asked with a grin as she turned to walk backwards, holding onto Nick's arm so that she wouldn't hit anything.

"How about something easy like the carousel?" Megan suggested as Aj squezed her hand in thanks.

"Ok.....and then can we get some lunch?"


"Cool," Lauren then turned back around as they walked to the carousel. all four grabbed horses in the ame area of the ride, Nick and Lauren on the edge to try to grab rings.

At the end of the ride, they all got off. Nick bragged to Lauren that he grabbed more rings than she did and she argued that it wasn't a fair battle since he was a foot taller than her and could reach the rings better. Megan and Aj just remained quiet as they walked behind the two, stifling laughter.

After grabbing a quick lunch, they all decid to leave the park. The Boys had been mobbed during the meal, Megan wasn't feeling well, and Lauren was bored. Walking to the parking lot, they made plans for dinner that evening and Megan reminded Lauren that their parents were coming to town the nest day. Remember sis, ok?"

"I gotcha..." Lauren said with a wink. the two hugged before Nick opened the passenger door to his Durango and helped Lauren inside. "I love you Lauren..." he wispered, kissing her passionatly on the lips, and then once more on her cheek before slowly closing the door and then walking to the driver's side. He waved as Aj and Megan climbed into his Expedition. Turning the key n the ignition, Nick looked over at his passenger and smiled. It was hard to believe that the had been dating for almost two years now, and had been friends practically all their lives. She was perfect for him: fun loving, sweet, witty yet kind and mature. She completed him in every possible way. He slid the vehicle into reverse and slowly slid out of the spot, before driving back to the apartment he and Lauren had been sharing for about a year now. Apartment was an understatement though for the pricey penthouse in the ritzy Florida complex. Nick smiled as he thought of that apartment, and the occurences in it.

The drive was short, only a few miles. Nick opened Lauren's door and helped her out. He knew they would get married one day, they had to. After all they had been through: his fame, the loss of Laurens father, his spat with alcohol, her near pregnancy, and then all the good times: Europe, the first time they made love, nick loved her so much and he never wanted to loose her ever, she felt the same. The first time they had made love he respected everything and made sure she was OK with everything before he did it. She loved that about him, and she always thought about him and what their lives would be like if they were apart. They had been scuba diving together in the Keys, and had moved in together. Everybody knew they would be together for the rest of their lives.

They walked into teh building and to the elevator holding hands. The entire trip to their floor, they held hands, kissed and giggled quietly between themselves. He unlocked the door and let her in, closing it behind as he wrapped his arms around her waist passionatly capturing her lips with his own. Her hands grasped the bottom of hid T-shirt, tugging it up to expose a bare chest laced with muscle, the smooth skin light and soft. They broke the kiss for only a moment so she could yank the article over his head and then toss it to the floor.

His fingers made quick work on the buttons of his cotton shirt and pushed it down her shoulders as their lips and tounges danced passionatly exploring each others mouths, touching the soft curves the other had, and moaning onto the others lips. He undid her bra in a quick movement he learned through much pratice with her, and sent it fluttering to the floor as he pressed their bare chests together. He shimmed her shorts and satin panties down her hips as she undid his pants feeling the huge bulge beneath the zipper.

Nick sank too his knees and put Lauren's legs ont his shoulders and kissed up her thighs, one of the most sensistive spots on her body, she moaned, "oh nick, mmmmm...." over and over again as he did that. He finally made his way to her clit, and lightly bit down on it making her body shudder, then he placed 2 long fingers deep inside of her mound, and slowly curled them up inside of her loving the reaction she gave. She could hardly breath as her powerful orgasm overtook her and Nick licked her clean. Lauren then collapsed ontop of him on the floor and when her breathing became normal again she slid down Nicks body and made her way to his pants, which she unziped with her teeth, this drove Nick crazy. once he was free of his jeans and boxers Lauren slowly took him into her mouth inch by inch, deep-throating his cock, ocassionally putting her teeth on it. He would reach down and pinch her hardened nipples, causing her to moan and send Nick over the edge, spilling his warm seed into her mouth, she swallowed it all before Nick flipped them over and she wrapped he legs around his waist and her thrust himself deep inside of her causing her to cry out his name in pure ecasty. She loved the feeling of him inside of her. Nick began to thrust himself in and out until he could feel her velvet walls tighten around him. "Oh yes baby, hader, faster....." lauren said between breaths "Oh baby you are so tight, mmmm... but it feels great" Nick said just before his lips clamied Lauren's for what seemed like an etirnity. Next he reached his hand inbetween then, and began rubbing Lauren's swollen clit, making her cum and Nick soon shot his load into her making them cry out the others name over and over. Nick pulled out an they feel into a sweaty mound in the middle of the floor, telling the other that they loved them, and they would be together forever. Nick promised her that...

"Let's go to bed baby...." Nick wispered once his breathing was normal again.

"Ok..." Lauren said as she kissed him pressing their bodies even closer together.

Nick picked her up off the floor as if she was merely a dool, and then he carried her to their bedroom. He grabbed a pair of boxers for himself and slid them on, next he handed Lauren his favorit hockey jersey, which she loved to wear. The black, white, and grey materials of the Tampa Bay Lightning jersey enveloped her small body, falling almost to her knees and covering her hands. He then turned the blankets back and crawled into bed. She followed suit and curled next to him, her head falling to his shoulder as usual, Nick kissed her softly on the cheek and wispering "I love you baby, and we will always be together forever no matter what.." into her ear as she slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms. She was his one match on this earth. What a feeling..........

Aj pulled into his driveway and let Megan out of the car. "I wanna go and grab a few things for tonight, ok?"

"Yeah.....sure...." she replied softly, wavering slightly as he unlocked the door.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah.... I just got a little dizzy. Must have been all those rides...."

"Ok...." he said as he went inside, running upstairs as she waited in the foyer. When he returned downstairs, she was even paler than before. "Meagn sweetie. What's wrong?"

"I don't feel so good, Aj. I just need to lay down a little proably... I just want to go home...."

"Alright. We'll go to your place and you can go to bed, ok?"

She nodded and wispered. "Yeah..."

He drove to her apartment, helping her up the stairs to the second floor before unlocking the door and heling her to bed. He took off her shoes and pulled the blankets over her as she fell fast asleep. Sitting next to her, he watched her side slowly rise and fall. His eyes moved to her face as a finger softly brused a small tendril of blond hair off of her temple. Looking at her, he finally realized that he loved her. it took six months of dating to realize it, but now he knew. He sat there for an hour, watching her sleep, worried about her.

Afer and hour of sleep, she suddenly woke up, sitting up quickly before exclaming " Something wrong!" and then scrambling frantically for her keys.

"What?!" he asked dumd-founded.

"Something's wrong...." she replied again.

"Wrong?! What?!" he called after her as she ran out of the door.

She drove over to Nick and Lauren's apartment to find the door hanging open, screms coming from inside... screams of agony and pain. Lauren!! her mind cried as she slowly walked in, afraid of what was going on.

Suddenly, out of the bedroom runs a figure clad entirely in black, a ski mask in place. This person sees Megan and charges, a sharp pain slicing through her shoulder, piercing her entire side before he ran out of the apartment and down the hall, the knife still in her arm. She stumbled to the bedroom to find Nick, wearing only only his boxer shorts, blood covering his body as he held Lauren, his favorite hockey jersey the only article of clothing on her limp body. Gashes oozed crimson blood over noth bodies: hid arms striped of blood, his chest marked with lacerations, his face marred by the slash of the knife. tears flowed down hid cheeks as he cried out, "Lauren...." his voice weak as Megan fell to her knees beside him, her eyes traveling over the body of her sister and then then of the only man her sister had ever loved.

"Nick....what happened?"

"I don't know..." he chocked out. "We were in bed and he came in.... He-h-he killed her... My baby...." Every work grew fainter as he leaned over Lauren, pressing a kiss to her still warm lips, before he passed out from the loss of blood.

Megan grabbed the phone with her uninjured arm and called 911, tears streaming down her face.

The next day, Nick regained consciousness and broke down crying, threatening his own life as he begged Megan to tell him Lauren was still ok.

With tears in her eyes at the loss of her sister, she softly told him how the knife punctured her heart and she died instantly. The attacker had been watching the couple for months, ploting an attack. Had Megan not walked in, had he not heard her foot steps and the creek of the door, Nick would have been killed as well. They had found the man responsible and arrested him as he swore he'd still get Nick. Every bitter word from his mouth cursed the fact that NIck had become wealthy through singing while he had to work all his life to go into bankruptcy. Megan then told NIck that Lauren's funeral was being planned be their parents.

"No! I loved her!" he cried out, tears spilling onto his cheeks. "Do you know her last words on Earth? Do you?!" he exclaimed "She said, " I love you, Nick promise me we'll be together forever." "How can I do that now?! How can I!?! I love her!!!!! I love her!....."

Her one arm now bandaged and in a sling, Megan wrapped the other around him and pulled hid face to her shoulder as he repeated softly, "I love her.....I love her.....I love her...."

"I know Nick.... and she loved you too...." Megan wispered.

The next week was the funeral. Nick stood in the cold rain, the stitches on his face black against his pale skin, matching the dark suit draped on his slumped shoulders. He stared at the casket with tears in his eyes as the priest talked of a wonderful girl with sparkling green eyes, and wild blond hair. The priest talked of her large heart and warm smile that touched the lives of all she met. Thoughts and memories crossed Nick's mind, the words no longer clear, only a hum in his ears as he began to cry, the tears and raindrops melting on his cheeks.

Once the priest quieted, Nick stepped foward and placed a single red rose on her coffin. It was what he gave her their first date, it was what he gave her every anniversary. It was what he gave her the day he told her he loved her. It was also what he gave her just before they made love for the first time, which was laying on the bed when she arrived in their bedroom. A single crimson rose, the long stem bare of thorns... it was her favorite. He placed it on the center of the mahogany box, the tears no longer controllable as he sank to his knees beside it, the sobs overtaking his body. Suddenly, a pair of arms came around him and he turned to find Brian, with his arms around him and Howie, Aj, and Kevin standing beside him. Always there for him, Aj was his best friends and helped him with everything. Nick rose to his feet and embraced his friend, his wet face buried in Brian's shoulder, the sobe shaking his ebtire body. "She can't be gone....." he cried

"You'll see her one day... you'll see her in heaven...."

The End.....