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~*Chapter 23*~

As soon as we got closer to the Marriot, we saw many parked cars along the side of the road. "Should I park here?" my mom asked warily.

"No, just drop me off," I said, pointing ahead.

"Okay, if you're sure," she said slowly. As we got closer, we saw many screaming fans waiting anxiously to get a glimpse of one of the Backstreet Boys.

"I refuse to let you walk into that mob," my mom said.

"Fine, do you want to come with me?" I agreed.

"Okay, then at least I get to meet this guy," my mom replied. We pulled into the hotel parking lot.

"Don't forget to lock the doors," I reminded. We slowly made our way through the mess, making it up to the front where a big security guard stood boldly against the screaming fans. "Excuse me," I said, trying to get around him.

"Do you have permission to go upstairs?" he asked.

"As a matter a fact, we do," I said, turning to my mother.

"Oh yeah?" he challenged.

"Yeah, ask Nick if Becky can come up," I replied. He mumbled what I said into a walkie-talkie, and then moved aside.

"Sorry miss, can never be too protective of these guys," he whispered.

"That's okay, what room is he in?" I asked.

"Number 311," he said, motioning me inside. I grabbed my mom's hand and pulled her in.

"That was close," she mumbled.

"Nah, Nick is waiting for me," I replied. She shrugged, not understanding, but going along. We stepped into an elevator, and I pushed the number to go to level 3. As the doors opened, I saw more security guards milling around. I walked swiftly toward room 311. "Sorry miss, you aren't allowed into this room without permission," a security guard with the tag named Andre said, walking in front of the door.

"Nice back Andre, I really appreciate you blocking me and my girlfriend," Nick remarked. Andre moved aside, so I could see Nick.

"Hey beautiful, I see you brought your mom. Didn't trust me, did you?" he asked giving me a hug.

"No way, it's the one behind me you should be worried about," I said, laughing. I moved aside, so Nick could see my mother. She had been silent until now. "Nick, this is my mother, Julie," I introduced.

"Nice to meet you, do you guys wanna come in?" Nick said, shaking her hand.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Why not?" she replied.

"412 Alert!" Nick hollered, before moving aside to let us in. I glanced warily at him, as the guys ran around the room.

"The signal for mothers," he whispered. I laughed,

"No wonder they're so crazy!"

"Hello," they all said in unision, sitting down on the bed.

"Hi, my name is Julie, Becky's mom?" she asked, hoping they'd remember.

"Oh yeah, the girl Nick is bringing with us! Hi, I'm Brian," Brian said, leaning forward. They all introduced themselves, one at a time.

"Should I get my stuff?" I asked Nick.

"Sure, we leave in 5 minutes, meaning THESE GUYS," he said loudly,

"Should start going back to their rooms and packing." They all got the hint, and one at a time, said their goodbyes and ran out in the direction of their rooms.

"Okay, be right back," I said, turning.

"He seems nice," my mom said, once we were out of earshot.

"You really didn't trust me with him, did you?" I asked.

"Well.... it's always good to be sure," she commented. I laughed.

"Okay, you're off the hook." We walked past the crowd again, into the car. I grabbed my stuff, as mom went around to the driver's side.

"Leaving already?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got what I wanted, now I gotta leave and run errands, call me once you get there, okay?" she said, starting the car.

"Yeah," I replied, grabbing my one suitcase from the car,

"Bye mom." I waved until the car got back out onto the street. Then, I turned and walked back through the mob, and into the hotel. The security guards all remembered me, so they didn't ask any questions, just moved aside to let me through. I knocked on Nick's door again, since I didn't have a key. He opened the door, and pulled me in for a long kiss. As we parted he said, "I've been waiting all night for that." I smiled. I walked into the room, and closed the door.

"Well then," I said, dropping my suitcase, and walking over, "With that said, how's this?" I placed my hands behind his hand, and pulled him in. We kissed slowly, and then he started leaving a trail from my cheek to my neck. I put my finger under his chin, and lifted it back up. Then, one last time, I kissed him quickly. "Perfect," Nick commented, answering my question from before.