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~*Chapter 23*~

"Hey, Nick, let's go get some coffee," I said, suddenly.

"Jess, you don't even like coffee," Nick stated. I had to think quick, before Lisa and AJ left.

"Yeah, but I want some hot cocoa, and I know you like mocha coffee," I said, leaning closer.

"Okay," he said, giving in.

"Thank you," I said, kissing him quickly,

"I'll pay." I grabbed my purse, but Nick took it away.

"You keep kissing me like that, and I'll take care of all the coffee." I kissed him.

"Like that?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," Nick said, nodding.

"Okay," I said, standing out of the car.

"C'mon," he said, grabbing my hand and leading me across the street. As we opened the door,I said,

"Oh, look it's AJ--"

"With Lisa," Nick gasped, finishing off my sentence.

"C'mon, don't chicken out now," I said, pulling him in.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Mocha, you know that," he said.

"Right," I said, walking to the end of the line.

"Hi Nicky," Lisa said, waving him over,

"What brings you here?" Her voice was way too sweet, and it made me sick. It was almost the way she acted when they were going out.

"Getting coffee, why else?" Nick replied sarcastically.

"Hey, AJ," I said.

"Jess, you hate coffee," AJ commented.

"Yeah, Nick's getting mocha coffee, with sugar, and I'm getting a hot cocoa with milk," I said, showing how well I knew Nick.

"Oh, so now she's not only a girlfriend, but a waitress," Lisa said. I sneered at her, and Nick noticed the tension.

"We'll be right back," Nick said, going back to the line.

"What?" I asked.

"Man I hate her," Nick said, shaking his head.

"I can handle her, you take care of AJ," I said, ordering our drinks.

"Fine with me, AJ's fine... it's Lisa I'm worried about."

"Nah, I've handled her a lot, about a month, since you two dated. She's not that bad," I said. We walked back.

"No coffee for you?" Lisa asked.

"No, coffee stops your growth," I commented. Lisa looked at her empty cup.

"Well, I'm already tall, it's you I'd be worried about," she said snottily.

"Funny. I happen to be 5'8", almost as tall as Nick," I said, leaning on his shoulder.

"Well, I'm 5'3", perfect for AJ," she said.

"Oh, so you two are going out?" Nick asked, shocked.

"Not really.." AJ started.

"Of course, why else would we be together?" Lisa cut in.

"Yeah, okay. We'd better get going, if we want to leave you two alone," Nick said, rolling his eyes.

"Bye, AJ," I said, bending to kiss him on the cheek. I knew Nick had no problem with it, I was just doing it to show Lisa.

"Get off him!" she said, shoving me. The table moved violently, and my hot cocoa cup spilled all over her new white pants.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Lisa stood in complete shock.

"You did that on purpose, you little bitch!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Now why in the world would I want to do that, when I have a klutz like you doing it to yourself? I recommend going into the bathroom and cleaning it off, before it stains," I replied, turning on my heel and walking over to Nick, holding the door open. His mouth was still open, but it immediately closed, and tried to stifle laughter. I ran out the door, and burst out laughing. "That was a good one," Nick said, joining in my laughter.

"I didn't do it on purpose, she did it to herself," I added.

"Did you see the look on her face?" he asked, sitting on the closest bench. He pulled me to sit down next to him, and I looked up at the sky.

"What are you looking for?" Nick asked, following my gaze.

"A shooting star, so I can make a wish," I said, straining to see.

"My wish has already come true," Nick said, looking at me.

"Oh yeah? What was that?" I asked.

"To be here with you," Nick said, leaning in to kiss me.

"That was mine, but my new one, is to be with you in this happiness forever," I whispered, before our lips met. Once we parted Nick stood up.

"We better go, before Lisa and AJ find us," he said. And with that, we stood up, and left the bench, heading back to his car.

Chapter 24
Chapter 22