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~*Chapter 24*~

"I know that I can't take no more it ain't no lie I wanna see-ya out that door... baby bye bye bye...bye bye," I yelled runing around my room in my bathrobe.

"So your betraying me now huh?" Nick said standing in the door of my room.

"Nick what are you doing here?" I aksed frantically. It was seven in the morning and nick usually slept through at least till ten.

"Umm I thought that maybe we could spend the day out on the beach. There's some stuff I wanna talk to you about," he said walking over to me in my cloud bathrobe. He took me by the waist and spun me around. "What stuff? And why are you up so early?" I asked eager to know.

"Well I thought that if you didn't want to go to the beach we could hang by my pool, and I wanna talk to you about some stuff," he said.

"Okay sounds good to me," I said. I began to walk over to my closet to grab my bathing suit, with Nick following.

"Which one ya gonna wear," Nick asked holding my waist.

"The only one I have," I said with a sly grin.

"You only have one?" Nick asked.

"Yeah I only have one and I'm pretty happy with it," I said looking p at him.

"Well you should have more....let's go shopping," he said spinning me around to face him. I pulled away.

"No Nick it's ok," I said taking out a pair of boardshorts.

"No Jess no arguing where gonna go shopping and get you ten bathing suites," he said.

"No Nick no," I yelled. "Your trying to control me just like A.J. did. No sweetie let me support you.... that's all I heard Nick, lies..lies and lies," I yelled histarically. I layed down on the bed and cried.

"Fine ya know if you don't want to be treated right..that's fine? Ya know I'm trying to be a better boyfriend than A.J. was to you and now your acting all selfish to me! I don't need this!" Nick yelled running out of my room to my door and slamming it hard. I sobbed even harder. What had I just done? I was sure I ahd ruined a relationship I loved so much. I cried the whole day. I stayed in my bathrobe all day in my room watchine old love movies. My cloud pants and white shirt kept me arm along with my bathrobe. I took it off and alyed it on the chair next to my bed. I turned on Gone with the Wind and sobed about the romantic relationship between Scarlett and Rhett. I fell asleep in the middle and woke to the sound of a husky man's voice. "They sure don't make movies like they used too. If only love was still as swwet and important as it was backthen," Nick's voice whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes then quickly turned away. Nick layed on my bed next to me. He then pulled my face towards his so I was looking in his eye's. "I think we've been through our first fight," Nick said getting ready to kiss me.

"Who said it was over?" I snapped back.

"Jessy baby don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. I never meant to act like A.J." He said with sympathy in his eye's.

"It's not just that whole A.J. thing. It's that I want someone who isn't going to ask me to depend on them while where dating. When I get married I wanna rely on that person 100%. I need you to know that I'm not gonna be a total dependant on you. i'm my own person Nick," i said seriously.

"I know and that's what I love about you. Your so very special," he said turning off the movie and going over to my cd player.

"Ok I don't really like these guys but this is the only song I can find for now that describes how I feel about you," he said putting on God Must have Spent a little More Time on You.

"May i ahve this dance?" Nick asked waling over to the bed.

"I'm not looking very pretty," I said pointing to my p.j.'s.

"You Look sexier than I have ever seen you before," he said taking me into his arms. I rested my hand on his shoulder and my head on his chest.

"So are we through with our first fight?" Nick asked when the music had ended.

"Yes," I said kissing him.

Chapter 25
Chapter 23