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~*Chapter 27*~

"What?" Nick yelled into the phone, "No way, no way am I going!" I awoke to the sound of his voice. I had fallen asleep in his arms, and something went wrong. I tapped him, as he shrugged me off. I felt hurt, but I knew there was some good reason for his actions. I watched him pace the room, and I knew something was up. "Bri, this is impossible, I can't leave now! What was he thinking?" he exclaimed once again. My heart lurched, I was about to lose him. This couldn't happen, not now, not so soon into our relationship. I stopped, I'd known this going into our commitment to each other, I'd done it with AJ, and now I was going through it with Nick. But without Nick, my life was different. I wasn't sure if I could live. "Yeah yeah, I'll call you in an hour," he said, hanging up. He looked at me, his smile gone.

"Jess.." he started.

"I know, you're leaving. Where and when?" I asked, quietly. He lifted my chin.

"For three weeks on tour, I leave tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!" I gasped. This was moving too fast for me, I couldn't live without having the security of his strong arms wrapped around me, without feeling his heart beat, and his steady breathing. I looked up at him, and I knew he felt the same way. "Nick... I can't, I don't..." I sighed, "I can't live without you."

"This isn't easy for me either. You think I enjoy leaving you right now?" he asked, hugging me tightly. I felt tears come on, but I quickly brushed them away, not wanting him to see how much my life depended on him. "You don't have to always be so strong," he said, feeling my hands brush the tears.

"Nick, I love you. I can't do this without you," I cried.

"Jess, don't make this so bad, it's only three weeks, then we'll be together again, I promise," he whispered, brushing my hair with his hands, and slowly rocking me.

"Nick... promise me one thing," I said.

"Anything you want, I'll do," he said, looking at me.

"Don't go out with any other girl, don't be tempted by anyone else, because I'm still here, loving you forever," I said, tears forming again, as a smile crept on my face.

"Oh baby, you know I could never betray you like that, I'll always love you," he whispered, kissing me slowly. As we parted, we knew what we had to do.

"So, where's the tour headed?" I asked, casually. He laughed, then answered,

"Frankly, I have no clue, I just follow the bus."

"C'mon, you've gotta pack," I said, taking my keys, and driving him home.

"What time do you leave?" I asked, pulling into his driveway.

"3 in the afternoon," he said, "Stay here tonight, please? It's the only time I'll have left with you for three weeks," he begged. I looked into his pleading eyes,

"Sure, I'll borrow something from BJ, and I'll sleep in her room."

"Okay," he said, unlocking the front door, and leading me in. Knowing I wouldn't see him for three weeks, made me sorry. This was the life he led, always leaving with short notice, but he loved it. That's why I loved him, because although it was so spontaneous, he loved his job, and never was sorry for the decision he made 8 years ago. It made him sad to leave his loved ones, but his next love was music, and that's what made him special from other guys. Others would have quit after 1 week of this hectic schedule, never knowing where they were going, always leaving, but not Nick. During that phone call, I realized how much I really meant to him, how he would actually risk not going on this tour, to stay with me. I knew I meant something to him, but never that strong. He was actually going to risk his job, and I wished he knew that's how I felt about him.

Chapter 28
Chapter 26