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~*Chapter 28*~

My heart was heavy. Heavy with love, and heavy with regret he had to leave. I walked with Nick up to his room. I never let go of his hand fearing it may be the last time I ever feel him. I tried to shake it from my mind. We went upstairs and I helped Nick pack. I sat on the floor in his lap while we loaded his clothes. We both tried to make the night humerous, though we both where hurting inside. "Now you'll need lots of underwear," I told him with a smile.

"I know mom I know," he said putting about fifteen pairs of boxers in his suitcase. In-fact that's all that was in the suitcase. Along with t-shirts and jeans. I began to put Nick's Levi's sweater I always wore in the suitcase when Nick stopped me. "I want you to keep it while I'm gone. I'm sure by the time I get back it'll smell like your perfume," he said smelling my neck. He then began to kiss my neck and lips. I stopped him.

"Nick can we stay like this forever?" I asked.

"Baby we can," he said kissing me again. I loved sitting in his lap with his arms around me, him near.

"Babe I need to talk to you about something," he said looking at me.

"Ok," I said.

"Once they told me I had to leave I sarted thinking about how I could tell you how much I love you," he said,"So here it goes. I've never met anyone like you. And when i go out there and all those girls are screaming their heads off. All I'll think about is you. How I love your brown eyes and how much I love to just hold you close toi me. I promise anytime I sing 'No one else Come's Close,' I'll only think of you. I'm just worried that you'll get lonely and never want me back," he said.

"Nick I've already been through the whole boyfriend leaves and goes on tour. But this time it's diffrent. With A.J. it was yeah I missed him, but it was somewhat of a relief he was gone. I didn't have to deal with his critisisum, or the thought of that maybe he was with someone else. With you my heart is breaking. But I know if i really love you and you me it'll be a test of our relationship," I said almost crying.

"I wanna hold you all night," he said. So that's what we did. I stayed in Nick's arms comfortable and sweet. The next day we spent most of it around the pool. Then at 1:30 I took Nick to the airport. We put his lugage on the rollers and then to his turminal. All the other guys where there. A.J. was all alone. Nick and I sat alone. "Don't you want to sit with the guys?" I asked him.

"Sweetie i'm spending three weeks with the guys. I'm staying away as much as possible," he said.

"Before you go I have a couple presents for you," I said looking in my purse. I brought out a framed picture. It said on the top. 'Nick and Jess forever,' inside was a picture Nick and I had taken on the last leg of the tour. We both smiled.

"I love this," he said.

"Now when you look at the picture I want you to listen to this song," I said pulling out NSYNC's new c.d.

"Now I know you don't like these guys but there's a song on there I need you to listen too. It's number six," I said not telling him the name of the song. He hugged me tight.

"You have no idea how much I love you," he said.

"I've got somehting for you two," he said.

"Ya know how I gave you that bracelet, Well I got you something to go along with it," he said bringing out a long box. I opened up the box to see a golden heart locket neclace.

"Oh my Gosh Nick!" I said shocked.

"Open it," he said. Inside was the same exact picture I had gotten him. The other side of the locket was empty.

"When I get back we'll take another picture togehter. One before I really loved you and the second spot for when I truly loved you," he said kissing me. I cried.

"Ohhh Nick I love you so much." He wiped the tears from my face. Just then the intercome came on.

"All for flight 155 please board now," it said. Nick and I both stood up. I said good-bye to the guys with hugs, even one for a.j. I then turned to Nick. He took the locket out of my hand and put it around my neck. he brought me close to him. He kissed the locket, my lips, then my forehead. I held back my tears. "I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I whispered back. He then turned toward the terminal. I held his hand until I no longer could . I watched until he was out of my sight. I began to break down and cry. On the plane, A.J. said somehting great. "You really love her don't ya man?" he asked.

"More than you'll ever know," Nick said begining to cry.

Chapter 27