Although we work to protect and enjoy all wildlife, we focus on non-game birds and animals (and other wildlife) such as butterflies, hawks, the endangered pygmy rabbit, songbirds and shorebirds.
We work extensively promoting environmental education. An Audubon environmental newsletter (Audubon Adventures) is placed in many local fourth grade classes throughout the basin.
We provide speakers to present environmental programs to schools and community groups.
We offer frequent field trips that are conducted by chapter members for members and the community.
We present regular programs on conservation and wildlife protection for the public and our members.
We sponsor an Annual Christmas Bird Count and Annual Bald Eagle Count.
We offer Conservation grants to children, teachers and members that pay tuition for educational opportunities at the North Cascades Institute.
We participate and provide input and ideas on Burrowing owl research project with the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
We helped development and participate in the Pygmy Rabbit management plan at Sagebrush Flat in cooperation with the DNR and the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.
We led the development of a nature trail near Dodson Road with with the BOR and the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.
Our chapter developed and led the project which created a diverse educational habitat area in front of Lakeview School. Teachers, Parents and students helped Audubon members turn an old parking lot into a living classroom.
We assist schools and private property owners in creating backyard wildlife habitats. We provide ongoing educational opportunities in resource conservation for local area schools. We are also working to identity Wildlife habitat around the Columbia Basin and work towards its protection and enhancement.
We work on Audubon projects such as Watchable Wildlife and Important Bird Areas.
We are working to develop community partnership with other local conservation groups.
We work towards increasing awareness of the goals and activities associated with the Columbia National Refuge.