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~To Tabi's Teddy Bear Huggs~

Prescription for relief of tears and nervous tension:
One Teddy bear, taken as needed. No side affects,
but may be addictive.

Bearnacle: n. A bear who clings tightly to your heart.

Parents and others are very arbitrary in deciding
when a child should stop having his or her Teddy
around. My mother thought sixteen was about the
right time. I still think she was wrong and I'm
sure Theodore agrees with me.

Hugg a Teddy bear in the evening,
and you can feel him hugging you back
all the next day.

When the crossword puzzle calls for a
five-letter word meaning trust, love, and reassurance,
Just fill in T-E-D-D-Y.

It is astonishing, really, just how many thoroughly mature
well-adjusted grownups harbour a Teddy bear--
which is perhaps why they are so thoroughly mature
and well-adjusted.

People believe in Teddy bears because Teddy bears
believe in people. Teddy's count on people to get
them off the shelf and into human arms.

I read where the Teddy bear is "a symbol used
by people of all ages to recapture infant security
in the face of frightening new situations".
I don't know; I just feel better having him around.

Cuddly and warm, these calming creatures reassure me
in the days of doubt when fears fly before reason
and the world becomes bleak instead of beautiful.
The Teddy bear, all things to all ages, all sizes,
for all preferences, symbol that all is right
with the world if one only believes.

Where is he now? I don't know.
He got lost in the shuffle of what is called
the growing up process, but he never stopped following me,
and sometimes when I thoughtfully look back,
there he is, looking back at me with that surprised
expression that says,"Hi! How ya doing?"

Nighttime is the best time to have a friend like a bear.

"What type of stories does he like?"
"Well, about himself, He's that sort of bear."

You can't just win a staring contest with a bear.

Teddy bears may fade, sag, stain or shed
but their personalities are never affected.
They just go on being perfect.

Everyone has a Teddy bear secret.

Why do people love Teddy bears? It's for their don'ts---
they don't eat your food, they don't dance with your date,
and they don't trump your ace hand.

Teddy bears make great confessors, advisors,
best friends, and scapegoats.
Whenever my mother prepared to punish me
for one misdead or another, I would always be ready with,
"Teddy did it!"

Roll on over to D'Granny's...

I'm the April Winner for her Free Bear!!

These are My Wonderful New Babies,
Erin, my Irish Bear..and Halo, My Angel Bear

If you would like one of your own
Visit Caitlin's

Thank You Dee!! I Love it!!


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WOW!! Lookie what I got!! :)

T.B.H. was..