U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. News and Updates
Volume 1, Issue 31
An Internet Publication of the
United States UFO Information and Research Center
and the NEW Alternate Realities Center - The ARC
1) U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. Offices Open Following Conference
2) Introducing "The ARC - Alternate Realties Center"
3) E.T. Conference 2002 Becomes...
"The ARC - Alternate Realities Conference 2002"
4) Introducing Pyramid Healing, By Allen McGee
5) Next Meeting, Southern Appalachia UFO Network
1) Good Evening everyone. We hope you are all doing very well and that you are in good health and good spirits... We first wanted to let you know that we the office is once again open, up, and running following our attendance of the Journeys Beyond Conference in Mobile, Alabama... The conference was a great success and we wish Pat, Buddy, Russ, and Jill, its directors and organizers, all the best in any of their future endeavors...
2) It is our great pleasure to announce the newest area of http://www.dreaman.org which is also the newest endeavor of the United States UFO Information and Research Center to increase public awareness, not only with the truths surrounding UFOs and the Extra and Ultra Terrestrial presence on Earth, but also of other profound areas of our work including the mysteries of Bigfoot, Ghosts, Hauntings, Angelic Visitation... All of which represent what we have chosen now to refer to as "Alternate Realities"... For more information on "The ARC - Alternate Realities Center" please visit www.dreaman.org/thearc.html
3) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: We would like to take this opportunity to inform our readers that the E.T. Conference 2002 will now be entitled "The ARC - Alternate Realities Conference 2002" ...Please make note of the change and mark your calendars now to attend... New information on this year's conference including an updated speaker list can now be found on our conference site at www.etconference.org and you can save money on the cost of admission with any early registration.
4) The next item of interest is the further development of endeavors in the areas of healing and higher awareness. "Pyramid Healing" is a healing ministry utilizing pyramid energy and the art of crystal meditation. Allen McGee is an energy worker and pyramid builder. He invites you to visit his site dedicated to this area of his work at www.pyramidhealing.org or www.dreaman.org/pyramidhealing.html for more information.
5) One last reminder for those interested in attending the November meeting of The Southern Appalachia UFO Network, S.A.U.N. The next meeting will be held this Friday evening, November 16th at 7 P.M. at the Maple Grove Restaurant located just off exit 23 on Interstate 181 in Northeastern Tennessee. For more information please visit www.dreaman.org/saun.html
Thank you and have a great evening! Universal Blessings, Clear Skies, and Happy Skywatching!
U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. Staff
Allen McGee
Founder and National Director
United States UFO Information and Research Center
www.dreaman.org ~ www.usufoirc.org
Pyramid Healing ~ www.pyramidhealing.org
National U.F.O. Sightings ~ www.nationaluforeporting.org
Report Extraordinary Experiences online ~ www.uforeporting.info
The ARC - Alternate Realities Conference ~ www.etconference.org
The AMERICAN U.F.O. JOURNAL ~ www.americanufojournal.com
The E.T. Mall and The U.F.O. Store ~ www.etmall.org ~ www.ufostore.org
U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. Research Complex and Building Donations ~
Webpages, Websites, and Graphic Design by Allen McGee ~
United States UFO Information and Research Center: www.ufocenter.usa
The ARC - Alternate Realities Conference: www.ufoconference.usa
The United States Space and Astronomy Gallery: www.space.usa
The ARC - Alternate Realities Center: www.thearc.usa
The National UFO Sightings Database: www.ufos.usa
Mailing Address & Telephone Number:
Post Office Box 153, Unicoi, TN 37692 USA
Sightings & Information Hotline: (423) 735-0848
Email: dreaman@dreaman.org
Quote: "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The evidence has been denied the American people for over 50 years!" ...UFO Investigative Colleague and Researcher, Clifford Stone.
To: (uforc.com)
Subject: U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. News and Updates - Vol. 1, Issue 31
From: "United States UFO Information and Research Center" (dreaman@dreaman.org)
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2001 12:29:15 AM -0500
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