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Claire's Anime Music Page

11/1/99 -- Konichiwa! I finally uploaded the first song in the only anime CD that I have. Don't worry -- I'll get more when I have enough money. Anyways, enjoy! :)

11/4/99 -- I uploaded the back panel of the CD so you can see what songs there are if you can read Japanese or Chinese.

1/5/99 -- As you can see, I've updated my page several times, but I always forget to update my update section. -- Oh well.

You want to download Midis instead?

Or you can go to my other homepage, Claire's Anime Reviews. Here, I review a bunch of cool anime series that I've watched.


Slam Dunk '96 song: My Friend (unzips to Mp2, 3.73MB)

H² '96: Back to the Ground(unzips to Mp2, 3.82MB)

For more Mpgs, go to my other anime music page

Visitors since 11/1/99