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US 95 (moved)

US 95 originally entered Washington State north of the Lewiston Grade. From the Idaho-Washington stateline, US 95 headed NW approximately 1/2 mile, intersected with US 195 , turned right and headed NE back into Idaho. In the mid 1970s, the old Lewiston Grade highway was replaced by the new 4 lane divided alignment of US 95. In the late 1970s, US 95 was realigned north of the grade. This new alignment of US 95 is completely inside Idaho. US 195 was extended from the old US 95/US 195 jct SE along former US 95 to a half interchange inside Idaho. The interchange connects southbound US 195 with southbound US 95 and northbound US 95 with northbound US 195. Former US 95 from the former US 95/ US 195 jct in Washington heading NE back to present US 95 is now US 195 Spur. US 195 spur meets US 95 at a grade level intersection.

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