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ILLUSTRATION: "Flower Bursting From My Head" © 2006, pastel illustration by Dee Rimbaud, Glasgow, Scotland. Permission to reprint this image granted by the artist. "Flower Bursting From My Head" is one of 40 artworks available by Dee Rimbaud on post cards, greetings cards, posters, t-shirts, mugs, mouse mats, fridge-magnets etc, produced by CafePress.com—see the entire range at http://rimbaud-products.blogspot.com.

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Since 2000, MARGIN has proudly served as the world's only survey of literary magical realism

Short Stories
Eduardo García Aguilar (France), Rajeev Balasubramanyam (India), A.J. LeFlahec (France), Anna Maria Ortese (Italy)

Novel Excerpt
from Catharine Leggett's young adult novel manuscript, The Invention of Paradise (Canada)

Magical Realist Verse
Giles Goodland (England), Robert Perchan (South Korea), Sarah Sloat (Germany), Gloria Hickok Vando (US/Puerto Rico)

Deus Ex Machina: Industry Reports
Translators: Magical Realism's necessary decryption experts

Latino Forum
Valenzuela (Argentina), Traba (Colombia), de Vallbona (Costa Rica), Garro (Mexico), Porzecanski (Uruguay)

Retrospective Quartet
Uslar-Pietri (Venezuela), Bontempelli (Italy), Rushdie (UK/India), Murakami (Japan)

Capek (Czechoslavakia), Croutier (Turkey), Dermôut (Indonesia), Farah (Somalia), Irani (India), Morgner (Germany), Nadás (Hungary), O'Brien (Ireland), Pelevin (Russia), Ugresic (Yugoslavia), Wendt (Samoa), Yoshimoto (Japan)

"Reconsidering the Origins of Tibetan Magical Realism: Lo real maravilloso and magical realism in Tashi Dawa" ~ Patricia Schiaffini

"Mayai—Waziri Wa Maradhi: Magic Realism in Euphrase Kezilahabi's long time unpublished story" ~ Elena Bertoncini-Zúbková

"When the Elephants Dance: An Interview with Tess Uriza Holthe" ~ Michelle Caswell

A Motley Vision || William Morris's "Criticism: Mormon Magic Realism?

Mia Couto ~ Lies That Tell The Truth ~ N. Scott Momaday ~ The Great Water (film) ~ Touré

Quick Picks
Allende (Chile) ~ Banerjee (India) ~ Brautigan (US) ~ Chandra (India) ~ Firan (Romania) ~ Flanagan (Australia) ~ Gombrowicz (Poland) ~ Gonzalez (US) ~ Head (Botswana) ~ Hongo (US) ~ Jünger (Germany) ~ Kis (Serbia) ~ Mezlekia (Ethiopia) ~ Naranjo (Costa Rica) ~ Reidy (New Zealand) ~ Schonstein (South Africa) ~ Tekin (Turkey) ~ Van Heerden (South Africa) ~ Vassilikos (Greece) ~ Yamashita (US)

Film Discussion
Degrading the Image
Is it possible to make a magical realist film?
Garrett Rowlan examines work by Coover (US), Rushdie (UK/India), Martel (Canada), Saramago (Portugal) and García Márquez (Colombia)

MRNews: The Week in Review
Keeping our eyes on the world

What is Magical Realism, Anyway?
Our criteria page

Recommended Reading
Fiction, poetry, nonfiction

Age-appropriate recommendations

Literary glossary

Magical realism on the web

What folks have on their minds


About Us
Deep Magic For Hurricane Relief
Help give first aid to the hearts and minds of our neighbors in the Deep South ~ benefits Southern libraries through the Book Relief initiative

No. 3 ~ Reasonable Facsimiles ~ available until July 31, 2006

Bruce Taylor and The Magic Realist Writers International Network

SORRY ~ we're now closed to submissions

Friends of Margin
Some of our favorite links

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Last updated 2006/09/16