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Established December 21, 2000

Last update June 22, 2001

PSDB Branch Presidency

Makota Sakuma-Executive Secretary, Lynn Tanner-1st Counselor

Michael Cooper-President, Harold Cox-2nd Counselor

We have alot of fun at our branch activities! Activities are held the 2nd saturday of every month. The activity for July, will be held July ??, 2001 at the Edmonds Building at 6:30 p.m. More details coming.....

Stake Conference in January brought new changes to the Stake Presidency. The new Stake President is Matthew Latimer. The first counselor is Ralph Weber. The second counselor is Don Bishop.

General Conference was March 31, and April 1, 2001. Marcus B. Nash was called to the Quorum of the Seventy.

Congratulations to Makato and Kaori Sakuma on the birth of their daughter, Karen.

**Congratulations to Jessica Cooper on her mission call to Portland, Oregon.**

Pictures will be taken occasionally. Check for updates. Comments may be sent to Webmaster.

This site is an unofficial supplement to Puget Sound Deaf Branch Site