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     Neighbours Boys

 Home / Up / Joel Samuels _ Daniel MacPherson-1998-2002



Sacked Joe


Son Jack


Pregnant Lyn




With baby Oscar


Lyn Oscar



Occupation: Builder, truck driver, taxi driver

Residence: 26 Ramsay Street

Related to: Pat Scully (son), Dennis & Mick (brother),  Scully (husband), Steph, Felicity/“Flick”, Jack and Michelle (father).

Marital Status: Lyn O'Rourke

Notable moment: Delivering a baby in a bushfire

Birthday April 3rd.
Favourite Role

"Eddy" - Heartland.

"Charlie" - Poor Man's Orange.
 "Joe Scully" - Neighbours.
Preferred Medium (Stage, Screen, Television)

All Three.
Address For Fan Correspondence

Lisa Mann Creative Mngt, PO Box 1192, Bondi Juction, NSW 1355, Australia.
Favourite Book

"One Crowded Hour" - Neil Davis, Tim Bowden.

"World According to Garp".
Favourite Movie

Local Hero.
Favourite Song  Amazing Grace
Favourite Television Program Foreign Correspondent.
Favourite Person to Act Alongside. Hugo Weaving, Alan Fletcher, Henry Thomas.
Favourite Quote, Saying or Motto

In every problem lies opportunity.
Future Ambitions

To be better - at all things.
Why you became an Actor A bet I had with a friend - for $10. He still hasn't paid up.
If you were'nt an Actor other career choice Lawer or Fireman.

Joe is a builder but he's also having to drive a taxi in order to bring home enough money for his family and the mortgage. At home he often finds himself in the middle of arguments between his 3 daughters and they sometimes see him as an interfering busy body, but he doesn't mean to make them unhappy, he loves his girls and would do anything to protect them. Even if this means taking a dislike to their various boy friends.

Clips 977k Arrival 0:51 most of the neighbours  ¦  953k Sell  0:45  With Karl & Lyn

 Home / Up / Joel Samuels _ Daniel MacPherson-1998-2002