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I hate it. Everything. But yet, it's not as simple as that. No, it never really is. Even the things that are presented to us which we take at face value are never really just "that simple." I hate everything because I love everything. Just look at everything around you. Chances are, you're going to see or think of something of beauty, be it physically appeasing, mentally stimulating, or some other form of beauty. And for every single piece of beauty in this world, there is a bitterness in its existence. For every single piece of beauty, there is a desire. It's the aesthetic nature of the world we live in. But then even aesthetic nature in itself is face value. The desire for that aesthetic part of life, that beauty that we all long for, burns inside of us, and it depletes us of oxygen. Nothing in this world will ever truly be ours. Ever. And yet we will continue grasping, clawing, striving, until our very last breath when we realized that all we thought we had in life simply was never truly ours. Everything exists in and of itself, and so at most we can simply be affected by it; enthralled if you will. A distraction to the otherwise buzzing white noise of what we deem "normalcy." This aesthetic beauty blinds us to the true nature, and so we long not for the creature behind its mask, but simply in awe of its face. And even the buzzing white noise that is normalcy and complacency bears the marks of aesthetic beauty.

The phrase "too much of a good thing" is quite possibly what I refer to here. Television, the internet, computers, airplanes, submarines, cars, air conditioning and heating, supermarkets. All these things we take at face value, but they truly are marvels. Why? Because in a sense, we have conquered our very nature. Or at least bent it to our whim in a way, for nothing can every truly conquer nature...our time will one day come. But our very instinct and being has been carved into a different path. Rather than shaping a spear of a long shaft of wood and wandering through the vast wilderness on foot, you drive down to the local Albertson's and purchase your essentials, conveniently wrapped up and ready to go, and all you need is the money to buy it. But we never think of this. They have become our state of normalcy; we've become blinded to the wonder of what these things truly mean. Mankind has bent nature. Think about that for a moment. What you are, right now, is not necessarily what nature had in mind for you. But then, as stated, one can never conquer; one can never truly capture the essence of what is beautiful.

For with all of this comes the other side - the effects of what we have become that drag us down, and mar everything we could be, destroying the possibility of pure aesthetic beauty. Pornography and the other degradation of what we are and could be, murders in the name of greed and other such petty squabbles and desires, diseases born of how we poison ourselves and everything around us. All of things scar the otherwise flawless face. And so, in deterring from nature in the attempts to conquer it, we have done the unexpected - we have conquered ourselves. The boot that holds you down by the neck and twists isn't that of God, it's the man in jail for having sold heroin to kids. It isn't luck conspiring against you, it's the man lying dead in a hotel room after someone broke in and killed him for the six dollars in his wallet. And I hate this decrepit version of all that we could be, because I love it so much.

We as the human species are so capable of doing so many things. We are, in a sense, gods. Gods of our own free will. The myths of the past are dying, and it's slowly becoming evident. The Judeo-Christian ideas are becoming obsolete, questioned, or just replaced. Atheism is being given the new mark of the savior, the name of science. For in the name of cloning, in in-vitro-fertilization, in the human genome, in everything that we have accomplished that bends nature to our whim...we as a collective society are god. Rather, we have the potential to be god. But we, just like the scriptures within the Bible, fight amongst our own ranks. The murderers and rapists are the neo-Lucifer. They are the ones that challenge our authority as god, that spit in the face of everything that we are, everything that we've done, and everything that we could be. So maybe, in a sense, those ideals aren't becoming obsolete. Perhaps they're being reshaped, taking a new form of how everything began, or perhaps the tales that the Bible spins are simply a prophecy. No, I hate the word prophecy...perhaps it is more of a warning. Once in the past, according to the Bible, we were destroyed for having strayed from our one true path. And it is said that we will be destroyed once again. We are the only ones able to carve our own paths into destiny...but the question is, will we be able to read the signs along the way? I surely hope so...for in one way, the world we live in is already hell on earth. And yet within that hell, there are infinite specks of heaven...and I hate it. I hate it because I love it...I love it because I hate it...

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