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Click on Kepora for the meaning of the name.

I am Kepora

So you have ventured this far and want to know more?

I'm 40 something - born and raised in the boondocks of Minnesota. After living in a variety of different places all over the world, I have come to rest in Washington State in a Suburb just outside of the Emerald City. I'm mom to 5 (yes, I said 5!) and currently work part time as a retail bookkeeper and moonlite as a independent contract accountant specializing in floral systems and other small and rather unusual businesses. I hope to go completely independent within the next year or two.

I enjoy the water, travel, horse back riding, books, all kinds of music, driving to fast, para-sailing, web surfing, online games, traditional Polynesian dance, snow mobiling, motor cycling, camping, animals, friends on and off line, practical jokes, antiques and collect odd, antique, and unusual jewelery, (tho diamonds are still a girls best friend!).

I subscribe to a live and let live policy, and am active in several "pet" projects that support that philosophy. Children's rights, Parent's rights (the 2 are not incompatible!) the CASA program, Bastard Nation, PAWS, Hospice, and to a limited extend AIM (in theory not in practice).

Well, now isn't that everything you ever wanted to know Plus!

Special Thanks to Jill for keeping me sane during insane times