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As we watch in awe on our television screen,
Scenes like from movies,but are real and unforeseen,
Evil minds had planned this unthinkable attack,
Now must face the consequences of a fierce and powerful world pact,
New York and Washington are in minds as the globe holds hands in prayer,
For a multitude of souls and lives touched that now feel bare,
Ordinary people just like you and me,
Toiling to reach the innocent under a metal sea,
God now takes the souls under his loving wing,to show them blissful
heaven and many wonderful things,
So dearly loved and so sadly missed,anything would be given to have them
back from heavenly bliss.
As we feel the sorrow and pain,
So many lives of innocence lost,but not in vein,
For goodness and humanity will once again overpower and hold reign.

~ Donna, Queensland Australia ~


In Loving Memory Of My Freind Lt. Col. Karen Wagner Who Parished 9/11/01 in the Terrorist Attack Upon the Pentagon.