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Representation for the Children
Court Appointed Special Advocate

The CASA volunteer provides a child's voice in state court proceedings involving the child's best interests. Most commonly, child abuse and abandonment cases, parental right terminations, adoption, and ward of the court cases.

These types of proceedings can take up to 4 years to complete. Social workers, Judges, Lawyers, and even Foster Parents all change too frequently during the course of a case. What one knew, the next may not, a CASA provides the consistency to the child's interests through out a case. Although the CASA's comittment is usually only 1 year, most either slowly turn their duties over to another volunteer insuring a smooth transition or re-commit to another year to stay with "their" kids until a resolution.

The CASA serves as an unofficial investigator of sorts. They speak to anyone and everyone (if they are doing their job) that comes in contact with the involved child, before and after the placement of a child in protective custody, and often after a child has returned home. Social workers are governed by state laws often preventing them from asking the questions they would like to. The Judges and Lawyers have the main concern of following the laws before what may or may not be best for a child. And they all work 9-5, except the CASA. A parent's rights often become the primary focus of a proceedings instead of the interests of the child. The CASA's job is to make sure that child is heard.

The job of the CASA is NOT to become a big brother or sister to the child. But to be a safe, sane, rational, adult in authority, when a child's world is turned upside down. And to make sure no child falls through the cracks of the system.

My adoptive children did have a CASA and I have served as a CASA. It was a sad, frustrating, but extremely rewarding duty. If you have a few extra hours a month, or are looking for a children's charity in need of your $$$ or fund raising skills....I highly recommend this program. DON'T be one of those people who sees on the news or reads in the newspaper that another child has died of abuse and shake your head at the system. Do something to make a difference. One child at a time.

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Thank You !
Dedicated to my Children the bravest people I know. I love you.