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Smart Ass Anonymous

Thank you for requesting information concerning Smart Ass Anonymous (SAA).

SAA is a worldwide support group for persons afflicted with a serious and often debilitating condition...Smart Assedness (SA). Persons who are afflicted with this illness are given to episodes of shamelessness, fits of uncontrolable and often cutting wit, and outbursts of humor intended to berate some poor, unsuspecting, but often deserving individual. We at SAA are working hard to force the American Medical Association to recognize SA as a clinical psychological condition, as well as attempting to get the Social Security Administration to acknowledge the disabilitating effects of the disease,offer Disability Support to those who are unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with this condition, and training courses for those people patient enough to tolerate a smart assed afflicted person.

We offer many services that you may find useful, such as personal counseling sessions for the patient afflicted with SA, group counseling sessions, and family therapy sessions. We also offer several workshops and clinics that may be of benefit to you. Past workshop topics have included themes such as: Dealing With A Patient With SA, Patient Development Tools For Persons With SA, SA Rehabilitation, Tips For Handling Sexual Encounters With A Person With SA, Groucho Marxism: What To Do When A Person With SA Reverts To Eyebrow Waggling And Cigar Waving, SA Success Stories, and Nude Whitewater Rafting For SA Patients.

SAA is a non-profit organization; all our diagnostic services, counseling services and workshops are provided free of charge, thanks to generous monetary contributions from wealthy members, ex-members, and desperate partners of patients.

Yes, it is possible to cure a person with SA. In the past, we have been able to assist patients with even the most advanced cases of SA in living normal, healthy lives as productive members of society. Of course, it is essential that we begin treating you as soon as possible, for the earlier we are able to detect and treat the disease, the better the chance of a quick, painless cure.

To diagnose and begin treating a patient at once, we will need the following information from you:

1) The approximate date of the onset of symptoms of SA

2) A detailed list of symptoms of SA that have been exhibited by the patient

3) A complete psychological history of the patient including the dates of any sessions with a therapist

When we have the above information, our experts will scour over evey minute detail, and make a determination of whether or not your loved one is afflicted with SA. If a positive diagnosis is reached, we will begin to design a customized treatment program for them. We will email you with our findings, as well as the patient's approximate prognosis as soon as possible. I urge you to forward the above information to us with all possible expediancy, so that we may begin treating the patient's condition immediately.

Remember, I'm not just SAA's founder.... I'm also a client.

A proud member of Smart Ass Anonymous

This is our youngest member. Isn't he just the sweetest thing!

Smart Assedness...there is hope, there is a cure, there is always tomorrow.

Founder of SAA, Deviant1