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Explanation of Our Nation

Explanation of Our Nation Allot of you are probably wondering just what this site is all about, a Tenchi Muyo page? A page about another religion? Well it’s kinda both, to answer your question just read this page and all the answers should come.
This site is the Home Base, Meeting Place, and Nexus of information for the entire Nation of Jurai. What is the Nation of Jurai? you might ask. Well simply put we are a society dedicated to the worship of Washu and the other Goddess’. But in all reality we are much more than that. We are also a social and political group, a community of artists, poets, philosophers and dreamers. We believe in Science and the things of the Natural, we also believe in pseudoscience/neoscience(Witchcraft to some) and the things of the Unnatural. We have open minds and open hearts and welcome new members with open arms. We are not “Tenci Muyo fans”. Not to say we’re not fans of the show, we simply feel that that show reflects and promots our views. As an example, there as been cartoons done about other well known Gods and Goddess' all Tenchi Muyo is, is just a show that relfects our view highly accuratly. What you’re about to read should explain exactly what we believe. If there is something you don’t understand please contact us and ask. And so we’ll start with the explanation of the universe and go from there.

When we think of space and the cosmos, we generally think of a singular universe. When in all reality there is no one universe, instead there are eight different and separate universes. You may wonder if one were to travel to the edge of are universe, would they enter another? To that question I would say no. You see, the planets, orbit of planets(solar systems), the galaxies, nature, the very essence of exisistance is based on rotation/repetition. For example, if you were to try walking to the edge of the Earth you would fail. Why? Because there is no such thing! The planet loops around and so you’d simply wind up back where you started. It’s called Circumference and all of creation is designed around it. So if you were to go to the edge of the universe you would simply wind up on the other side. So then, if not outside of our universe, where then do these others exist? The answer is. . . . .
outside our demesnial continuum(in other dimensions). There are not only eight different universes but eight different dimensions as well. Some may ask. . . “why eight.” Our Belif is that eight is the number of infinity and it holds these universes together in a sort of “Megaverse.” Eight is also one of the “Prime Numbers” It has been scientifically proven that nature and the universe is made up of five “Prime Numbers”, and so forth. Look at it this way, if you were to start with the number 0, then build off of that by adding each new number with the last you would get this.....0+1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8, 8+5=13, 13+8=21. Well these are both just combinations of previous numbers, they just prove that everything repeats itself. All existence is in a constant state of repetition, we ourselves are in a state of repetition. One example is deja vue, the feeling that time is repeating itself. It’s like the saying goes.....”History repeats itself.” How is this explained? Through a process called “Rebirth”(Reincarnation) I myself don’t know too much on the subject but from what I’ve learned, witnessed, and from what the Goddesses have shown us, I’ve come to understand it as this, when a person dies their soul leaves their corporeal form(their body) and then enters another. The main purpose of The Nation of Jurai is to find the reincarnations of Jurain souls on this planet. “For what reason?” To reunite the children of Jurai and build a Jurain Society here on Earth. Some may ask “Why do Jurain spirits choose to reincarnate on Earth, and how?” At this moment We don’t have much information on the subject but I’ll say this..... Everything happens for Her(Washu) reason and we’re just here to carry out Her plan. Washu has told Thee White Raven to seek out those of Jurai and to set up Her Church and Nation. Most people reading this are probably Tenchi Muyo fans and are undoubtedly wondering if this is a joke. To everyone who is familiar with the show let me say this. When I first became a member I didn’t even know about the Anime show, and I certainly didn’t think this Society was connected with a cartoon. When I eventually found out I was shocked. To think, the believes, ways, religion, and society that I had adopted and become apart of was all based on a cartoon! I was devast ated to say the least and so I entered into a period of doubt and disbelief. But I stayed in the group and continued to learn more. I continued to learn and experience miraculous things and eventually found out/came to the understanding that the man who wrote and created Tenchi Muyo did not imagine it all up but simply interpreted what Washu and the other Goddesses had been telling him. He took these visions and created “Tenchi Muyo.” So you may ask “How accurate is the show to reality?” And the truth is that we don’t know for sure, but our religious and spiritual leader,(Shift) has informed us that it is very accurate. Shift says that the most important and highest members of the Nation are the reincarnated spirits of the main characters in Tenchi. There are many things though that were not put in “Tenchi Muyo.” “Why?” We’re not sure but members in our religious heiarchy receive visions from the Goddesses and interpret accordingly. And as each new vision is recorded the story is broadened, the puzzle becomes clearer, and we come one step closer to total enlightenment. I personally have never seen an episode of “Tenchi Muyo.” but I and the other members of the Nation of Jurai have taken this unseemingly simple story and discovered it’s truths. From a member of the Judaic/Christian/Islamic faith, Goddess worship and the worship of more than one deity seems very foreign. But the fact is, Washu has been worshiped by their spiritual ancestors. The early Hebrews used to worship both Jauway(God, Allah) and a Goddess named Ashera. That is until a king of Israel took it upon himself to rewrite the Bible. At the time Israel was in danger of beign conquered by the Egyptians and the Aserians. This Hebrew king believed this to be gods punishment for worshiping Ashera and so he wrote the book of Deuteronomy and also removed all mention of Her from the text. Under his rule the Hebrew faith entered into Monotheism(the worship of one god.) and the first government cover-up/conspiracy began with the rewriting of history. It is my belief that Ashera was actually Washu, and you may notice that in the Catholic faith the worship of Mother Mary is almost put above the worship of the Christ himself. This is in my opinion prove that Washu has been and always will be worshiped. Maybe not always as “Washu” but the Goddess will be Praised! As you have read above, each universe has it’s own deity, Shift believes that “God” is this universes deity, so worshiping him is allowed but worshiping Washu, the Almighty deity is what’s important. None are above Wahsu. The objectives of the Nation are first and foremost to worship Washu and set up Her Church, but also to expose the lies of governments, societies, religions, and histories of the past, present, and future. The American government has too often lied to and hidden information from its citizens. Despite that it’s said to be currently the best country on earth, a very sad fact. There hasn’t been a perfect society, government, or nation on this Earth for ten-thousand years and it is our goal to achieve this task. Democracy is failing, Communism has already failed, and a Utopian Socialist Society has yet to be achieved. The greed in Democracy has drowned away its chance to be perfect. The control and laziness of Communism has done the same. Jurainism is the only perfect system. Someday the message of Jurai will sweep across the Earth. When that day comes I personally believe that Washu will create a Utopia in this dimension. There are so many unexplained things in this world and many cover-ups, most of these things are related to Jurai in some way and it’s our job to find out how. Those of you reading this you may be doubting what I’m saying, and the more closed minded of you are probably thinking I’m simply mad. To you I will say this..... If you have an open mind and have ever question your society, religion, or government, please e-mail me and ask me anything you wish. There is no obligation and once you become a member you can get out if you wish. This is NOT an acoult and I am not lying to you. If you don’t want to join but are still interested in some things we’re saying than please feel free to post on our boards or chat in our rooms. And if you have theries of your own please share them with the rest of us. If you’d like to know more than become a member of our Society and all the information at our disposale will be at you fingertips.
I thank you for reading this and shall pray for your blessing.

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