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School Children in Laos Should Stop Beleiving in Miracles

School Children in Laos Stop Believing in Miracles! BY: Riley Patterson -The bumper sticker In the remote Tha Chok village high in the chilly mountains of north Laos the school children hurry in to a dirt-floored room with no lights. The thirty-seven children cram on to the teeny benches as they do this they proceed to find a crumpled dirty peace of paper and a piece of charcoal and start righting down the lessons of the day. These children range from 5-14 and most drop out a fifth grade to help their family’s in the fields. These children deserve better they are crammed into a room, with no floor, only a dented wooden table to sit at and a teacher with a 8th grade education. The teacher also deserves better she only gets 17$ a month (which is the poverty wage for teachers) and hasn’t been paid since December, “I would ask for more support: book’s, desks,” Van Kham says “But the government is giving all it can” she says with a far away look in her eyes. And this school isn’t even the poorest school some school children have to walk for hours to get to school and aren’t even blessed with walls around them or a ceiling above them. I think these schools should get more money, because their children are Their future and if they educate more people to a higher level than maybe they could get the country out of its 3rd world state and get it back on its feet. Laos is communist so the ruler decides the money that goes to Laos’s schools and education programs, but some people don’t understand how important it is to be well educated. The education of Laos A 1st grade class and their teacher struggle through that mornings lesson, in a small village in northeastern Laos. Is a measly 10%, 4% down from its state a decade ago. But there still is hope and you can do things to help the situation of these children and their teachers. You can donate money if u contact the Seattle times and get info on these children and maybe even figure out how to send money safely to them. This is not the only place this is happening in other 3rd world countries this condition is even worse and other bad things are happening, like poor health care and that can be even worse. The dreams of many of the Laostians have been crushed by the over whelming reality of there life, but you can help bye caring and helping. . . Material from the Seattle times a3 the Seattle times Monday, march 15, 2004 “Education in Laos: ‘I have no dreems’ included in this article.

