Welcome to the Northwest Washington Recon website. The Northwest Washington Recon are also known as the 73rd BN 42nd FF. We are patriots of our great nation. We DO NOT support any terrorist groups or activities nor do we conduct anything consider illegal in this country. If you are looking for something or wanting to get involved with illegal activities then this isn't the place. This unit is open to any patriot wanting to support their country. I hope the information you get from this site will help you and further your knowledge as to what is going on around you. Please mention this site to others so they too can see and learn. If you have any questions or are in Washington State in Whatcom County area and are wanting to join please contact me at: drktitan56@yahoo.com Please include what county you are in so I can send you in the right direction.
Thank You,
This site was last updated August 14, 2010. I have also created a yahoo group forum. If you would like to join the group the link is:
Are you considering joining a group? You will need some equipment The 73rd BN 42nd FF go by the Militia Standards Other Militia Websites
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A Well Regulated Militia
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Info Wars: Alex Jones