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Walterboro Wings Radio Control Club #3771

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Walterboro Wings started back in the early 70's at the Walterboro airport. With help from people such as Andy Pontious, Franklin Fender, and the air port commision, we were able to have our own field located on an old taxie-way on the back side of the airport. We have a paved runway thats large enough for the big birds, and a lot of grass for the ones that come up a little short.

"Club Dues" Our club dues are $35 per year, due in June, and are pro-rated at the time you join.

Click here forClub Membershipapplication

"AMA" is a must since we are a chartered club and fly on a full scale airport.

Click here forAMA membershipapplication

On any given Sunday you can usualy find our members at the airfield from about 12:30 on, any of which will make you feel welcome and help you if you need it. We have a club trainer plane and instructers that are willing to give you a taste of RC if you're just starting out so bring the entire family out and enjoy our hobby the way we do.

Club Officers

  • Harold Call ; President
  • Jimmy Pontious ; Vice President
  • Bill Farrell ; Secretary
  • Gary Hale ; Safety Officer
  • Alton Graves: News Letter Editor

Walterboro Wings Club Information

Map To Our Flying Field

Club Pictures

"December" Model Of The Month

Other Great Links

Walterboro Wings Weather

Want to design your own airfoil, check this out. (this takes a minute to load)

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