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X-Men Poetry
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For now only my, (and a couple of my computer illiterate friends) work is here so I'm just going to post them directly on this page.

_The Demented Ferret_

Silent whispers imprisoned
by the darkness of my mind.

As they beg for their release
my sanity slowly slips away.

When they laugh, I cry,
their anger causes my anguish.

but without them
what would I do...

They tell me how.
I ask them why?

Because I don't wanna die.

yet in the end...
nothing; nothing is what it seems.

Insanity Calls To Me
_The Demented Ferret_

Insanity calls to me
night craves for me
death longs for me
love avoids me

Insanity calls to me
words elude me
time evades me
dreams die to me

Insanity calls to me
anarchy erupts in me
my mind alienates me
my discards of me

Insanity calls to me

Self Destruction
_The Demented Ferret_

Picking at the scars
That are on my arm
I should be locked away
So I can't do myself any harm

I used to be such a sweet kid
With a future so bright
Now I am just a lost soul
Drifting aimlessly in the night

Obeying all the rules
I tried to play the game
Life has gotten the better of me
and it's driving me insane

i am drowning in the pool
Of low self esteem
Crying out for help
As the pus of self destruction
Oozes through the seams

Lost and Lost Again
_The Demented Ferret_

Lost and lost again
yesterday was
Tomarrow was never
sleepless nights
cause my pain
slowly being driven
Lost and lost again
all I wanted was
to be free
of the things
I had to see
shameful sins
dead with desire
a father's evil smile
a mother who
seemed to care
a story of
sheer dispair
Lost and lost again
all I wanted was
to live again
yesterday was
tomarrow was never
and that's all
I have to say...

_The Demented Ferret_

Darkness encompasses me
all I see is black
that pain that's within me
is all I know
deep depression and sarrow
engulf my soul
I've become psycho
I have lost my mind
traveling through this endless labyrinth
hearing nothing other than my own cries
I taste the tears
that pour from my eyes
sip the blood
from my severed vein
wallow in misery
am I still sane?

Note from author: Yes, I am a bi-polar, manic-depressive, insomniac. Yes, I have slit my wrists, twice in fact. Yes, I have gotten help. (and finally) Yes, All of those where written during those times, it helped, at least a little. (oh hell one more) Yes, I do still get depressed once in awhile, but I'm a bit better at dealing with it now that I'm past 30 and coming due for a mid-life crisis.. ::grins:: kidding, kidding..


Eighteen and life you got it.
Eighteen and life to go.
Sounds simple and should be.
Maybe for some, but not for me.
Yet I like the song those few lines are from.
It doesn't seem to fit not even by a crumb.
I am nineteen and still learning to live.
I wish something would give.
Everything seems to have flip flopped.
Everything seems easier just dropped.
What I thought right isn't, and vise versa.
So what is a person to do with such a curse?
How do you live with the past, and continue the future?
"Would it","could it" be easier to use a dagger?
Then cut everything to shreds and start all over.

I've tried,
it doesn't work,
it's like a book,
read from cover to cover.

No matter how many times you read it.
It's the same old shit.

Archivist Note: BJ is a very close friend, and actually that was a little speech she gave me that turned into a poem.

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