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About Me

I live with my grandma
I go to McKinley
I love Italian food
I don't like anyone as of now .:sniff:. and no one likes me (that I know of)
My best subject in school is Math
I am in ballet and as of 2/3/01 Julia and I are on POINTE!!!
I love Z 107.7

Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22 To count a Leo as your friend is to be in the company of someone who always has your best interests at heart. They'll take a genuine interest in your activities and endeavors; spurring you on to achieve more and making you believe in yourself. Leos have an ability to organize people and they aren't afraid to tell you if you could do something better by trying another way. It might come over as bossiness, but most Leos genuinely want to help you do the best you can.

Thanks for going to my page! See Ya Lots!