Me, Whitty, Lace n Chris at a dance
This is me, Whitty (one of my coolest and bestest
friends ever who unfortunately lives 45 minutes away)
, Lacey (another one of the spiffiest people I know,
who i bred up to be another die hard fan of the
greatness that is Silverchair),
and Chris, the magical monkey boy who won whittys heart
(temporarilly) and bought us all roses from a scary street vendor!!!
This is tyler
This is Tyler. Tyler has gone out with four of my
best friends, and screwed up all of them for
one reason or another....... I didnt know him,
I knew him, I didnt know him, I knew him too well,
and now in the weird cycle of things i dont know him
but it is fun to contemplate wrapping his house. (hi ty!)
My friend after I did her makeup!
This is my coolio friend amber, one of the veterans
of the craziness that is tyler.
Inventor of the saying Panda! Co-inventor of the great
Potato! Girlfriend of the scary Rob!
and wear-er of the half n half makeup!
*not pictured- Kendall, curly haired dancer of
the awesomest HS trio.