Chelsea Kewl
These Are some weird online pranks that took place during spring break when i got really bored last night:
Number one:
I was a little bored (ok, a lot bored) so i got on an old, old screen name and had a little fun with my friend Charlie.There's no inside joke, i was just trying to confuse him. for some odd reason he decided to play along.
ChiliPepper18: Gerald from Sheldoff?
Rellit: Yes
Rellit: i have the password, now
ChiliPepper187: But are you not, Trev from Galdorf?
Rellite: who is this?
ChiliPepper18: I am Gerald from Sheldoff!!!
ChiliPepper18: why have you the passowrds?
Rellit: The blue girl gave me the information
ChiliPepper18: Does the mosue not take the spoon for soup?
ChiliPepper18: I see
ChiliPepper18: Now the time has come to talk of many things, my son
Rellit: who is the blue girl?
(i talked to him earlier on Blue Girl but forgot to save it)
Rellit: which did you like better, Jedi or the Empire Strikes Back?
ChiliPepper187: The Blue Girl lives upon a mountain top and flies with the rabbitts at sunset if we do not coax the cheese from its cradle
Rellit: i see
ChiliPepper18: The Jedi goes forth at noon while the empire sleeps until dawn
ChiliPepper18: There lies your riddle
Rellit: lol
Rellit: Do you know Jessica ship?
ChiliPepper18: Is this a test?
Rellit: it is
ChiliPepper18 Is it?
Rellit: it is
ChiliPepper18: The ducks are fed bread in the swamp by the Blankened ship
Rellit: but what color bread are they fed?
ChiliPepper187 the color of the figet
Rellit: very good
ChiliPepper18: indeed
Rellit: who is BlueGirl17?
ChiliPepper18: Tony Clifton sent her forth from yon underbrook of northern shadows in the evening of the december of my birth upon the shiny mountaintops that line the heaven in my gardens favorite ladybu
Rellit: What is love?
ChiliPepper18 The question of the lightening bolt is a tricky one for any leaf to trun brown upon the oaks of a sterling maple in june.
Rellit: The fish of gold are not scaley but flakey. With smiles, no gills, and glasses, no eyes.
Rellit: what are they?
ChiliPepper18: The salted crackers of which you speak are not the answer to code 47
ChiliPepper187 move along, agent 12
Rellit: lol
Rellit: very well
ChiliPepper18: Has the Pistol from Bristol whisteled upon the shining oath?
ChiliPepper18: Has the chicken flown the coop to nest in Queen Elizabeth's makeup case?
ChiliPepper18: and what, 12, of the gray-green goose which lay a pickled egg upon a sheath of burbon?
Rellit: the roach floats with the eggs in the jar of juice in the bar of moe
ChiliPepper18: I must find Aflie Tremain
signed off at 11:50:06 PM.
Later I got back on a different screen name
CharliesAngel314: Alfie from Shermingham?
CharliesAngel314: The sheep from Long Island
CharliesAngel314: does the duchess of Bermingham use the spaniards for cloning?
CharliesAngel314: Or perhaps you really have joined the legion, number 12
Rellite: no
Rellite: i have not
Rellite: i am still retireving the files
CharliesAngel314: Let me only ask you this, do the sunny sides of maples bring the ginger leaves of may and spring?
Rellite: it's not as easy as said
CharliesAngel314: Perhaps
CharliesAngel314: Darwin wil find you soon, young hamster.
signed off at 11:57:35 PM.
then I left again and got on my friends sn.
PlentyUnder20: This is Darwin
Rellite: this is 12
PlentyUnder20: Alfie9 says i am needed on the silver beach
Rellite: aye
PlentyUnder20: Is this true, 12?
Rellite: i am ready
PlentyUnder20: BUT,
PlentyUnder20: When the horse spits watermelons does it move north?
Rellite: it does not
PlentyUnder20: Perharps the young, assosciate, would care to offer his opinion.
Rellite: no, he does not
PlentyUnder20: The next time you wish to bring a Feather to the Hornet's Nest you must dance to the tune of the red indians wild mane before crossing the lake of planty.
Rellite: yes?
Rellite: teach me, oh wise one
PlentyUnder20: You learn by aksing, osa.
Rellite: osa?
PlentyUnder20: O.S.A
Rellite: as in?
PlentyUnder20: thats classified
Rellite: i see
PlentyUnder20: Ask your questions 12, the goose flies home before long.
PlentyUnder20: and the seeds of air and grass will cross the horish path of enlightened dark
PlentyUnder20: Do you have your questions?
Rellite: i do
PlentyUnder20: Ask.
Rellite: Have you ever been to...
Rellite: Uranus?
PlentyUnder20: You are not of the tribe of silver moons over waxahache.
PlentyUnder20: I must go
PlentyUnder20: Member of the Legion!
Rellite: lol
Rellite: i am nog
PlentyUnder20: We bid you goodnight, number 12
Rellite: I am enoch
Rellite: first bore of caine
Rellite: crusaider of the land of nod
Rellite: who was my first wife?
PlentyUnder20: The flowers go downt he chimney for breezes, but without the hare they sneezes. Rabbitts make a tasty snack of vegitation.
Rellite: answer me this, Darwin
PlentyUnder20: the Reaper
PlentyUnder20: goodbye
Rellite signed off at 12:09:06 AM.
Lol Ok so maybe I am to easily amused.