I just wanted to give a big HTML shout out (ha ha what a loser) to my hommies!!! Amber- Hey amber wuzzup!! Panda Panda, wutz up with that crazy hospitable potato??? Whitney- Hey gurl! Can you hear the marsupials laughing? I can!! dont forget to arch your horses back, ok? Are you filimg me, cuz i think you are!!! YOU DAMN COMMUNIST!!! Lacey- Hey spacers! SHHH ANNAS SONG IS ON!! Eww is that lesbian dancer really a MAN??? Kenny- What would you have kenny? THE CRAZED MURDERERS RUNNING INT HE STREETS?? SHAME ON YOU!!! Apy+CozyMel- Hey gurlies!! Burrito boy! *omph omph* Are u waering A RED SHIRT? OMG!!! Kendall- wutz up broccolli? Omg guess whos hott!!!! Lol im not obsessed im just normally-challenged!! CARROLL ROX~ Kallie+JoJo= Go Zira n Jordan! If the REAL Jordan would just wake up...HEARSAY! wait, whats a hearsay? lol , Tyler- Hey Charlie evil guy..why dont u go jump in some freezing water? , Stpehanie- Hey Chicka! OMG i have to tell yous oemthing, but IM EATING!! lol j/p Stephanie M- Hey gurl! u found your HAND TWIN!! woosh. Heaven- Im not under the affluence of inkahol occifer! Go burrito gurl! Robbo- god rink some juice. , Nathan t- Go RED DEVILS! nathan j- Dont drink n drive! or in ur case just drive! Hi NATHAN! Heather-You are so cool! Thanks for the awesome album its really cool. RED DEVILS ROCK!! ,Allayne- wuzzup gidget? *hug* Guees who didnt do their geography homwork!! Jenny- Hey gurl! TAG 2000 forever! Go James n Krista! , James- hey college boy, hows it goin? , Jason-(lol, how many times this week?)j/p! Brandy- Hey Gurl! Lifes like a box a crayons! hee hee! Chezy- Hey Chez (guess who's hott?) christina- JJ is a playa! lol jk. w/o u, i never wuold have passed psych! :p u r the coolest! Allyson- Is that a cheezit on ur face? lol Ryan N- no more photocopying for you! lol Colleen- look ! its hott a building guy! My Geog class- Hey hey were the uk! people say we monkey around! but when hong kongs with us its better! Cuz china lets its people doooooown! Santana- hey tex mex! Bonn Bonn- Shake ur bonn bonn! Hey gurlie! Madie! Hey i saw u at the mall! c u next year! Zenib- U go to my old school! and other people I cant remember!! (If i forgot u im me,kk?) *tears* I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! |
*You love Reeses Pieces, and evrything that's full of SUGAR *You are feeling angry and depressed!! *You think The TExas Chainsaw Massacre is the Scariest!! *When your celebrating thanksgiving, you are thankful your not busting your butt @ School! *Theres a little kid in all of you! You voted TOYS the best holiday gift. *You don't get happy very often! CHEER UP! *You voted Gladiator best picture for Oscar 2000! good job! Holy Grail is the ultimat Monty Python Movie. * Most of you think that squirrels are evil little creatures. You all like taking quizzes! :) You all believe that life has a meaning! Thanks! See ya at the poll booth! Canndy. |
MY Favorite Movies:
MY Favorite Soft Drinks