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Global Vigil for Peace. Click on the image to see photos from around the globe! Click on the artwork<br>
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Big Bear's Online Store<br>
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with my artwork and poetry.<br>
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Crying WTC Eagle<br>
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my WTC Memorial poem,<br>
'What is required?'.
What is required?


Lyrics by:Lorenz Hart

Music by:Richard Rodgers

From the Show:The Garrick Gaieties(1925)


I'll take Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island too,
it's lovely going through the zoo

It's very fancy on old Delancey Street, you know.

The subway charms us so,
when balmy breezes blow to and fro.

And tell me what street compares with Mott street in July,

Sweet push carts gently gliding by

The great big city's a wondrous toy,
just made for a girl and boy.

I'll turn Manhattan into an isle of joy.

I'll go to Greenwich, where modern men itch to be free.

And Bowling Green you'll see with me.

We'll bathe at Brighton, the fish you'll frighten

When you're in your bathing suit so thin,
will make shellfish grin fin to fin.

I'd like to take a sail on Jamaica Bay with you,
the fair Canarsies Lake we'll view

The city's bustle cannot destroy the dreams
of a girl and boy,

I'll turn Manhattan into an isle of joy.

Page Created by Big Bear on July 16,2001.
Updated March 17,2003.
Midi downloaded from here.

Other Pages by Big Bear:
Affirmations To Remember
ether angel
Gift for you!
bearybipolar's web site:a diaryzine

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