Vanilla Coke
what evil could be within?
Hollywood Godzilla Brown: Hey, check it out, it's that new Vanilla Coke stuff!RiD Megatron: What manner of trickery is this?
HG Brown: I want to try some!Megatron: I have heard stories about this abomination. Unpleasant stories...
But, if you insist...
Megatron: There, i have removed the cap for you, and...
HG Brown: Check it out, the lid makes a nifty fez!
Megatron: FOOL! This Vanilla Coke is an aberration not to be trifled with!HG Brown: Woah, calm down man!
HG Brown: Hmm, you may be right. Maybe we should get some sucker to try it for us?
Megatron: Perhaps there is some hope for you after all...
HG Brown: Yoink!
X-Brawn: HEY! What in tarnation is goin on here?
Megatron: We have a favour to ask, Autobot...
X-Brawn: So you want me to drink this stuff? Well, i ain't got a mouth, but sure! Why not?
X-Brawn: Hey, this stuff ain't half bad!
HG Brown: Um, now what?
Megatron: He has served his purpose. Throw him to the monkeys...
The final verdict: Okay, so this little picfic didn't end up making a whole lot of sense, but the moral of the story is: I don't think Vanilla Coke is that bad. i'll buy it again. Better than that Dr Pepper crap, stripped the skin clean of the roof of my mouth that did...