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Wallpapers Abungo

A selection fancy pixel arrangements to adorn your desktop with, if you feel the urge.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size image.

104b, 1680x1050 Here's a bit of fanart featuring none of my own characters. Achewood is a pretty hilarious comic, you should check it out. The wallpaper is from this strip here, one of the classics.
487b, 1024x768 Missing Link goes to Silent Hill, or something. I'm a big fan of these crossovers, aren't I? Before anyone complains, I originally intended for Alessa to have the handgun and Martin to be holding the radio, but I went ahead and drew Martin with the gun instead. When I realised and redrew him with the radio, looked pretty gimpy, so I ended up going with what I had. Drake should be in there too, but I would have had to draw him without any skin...
Oh, and those of you who have played Silent Hill 3: no, that's just a coincidence, honestly.
155kb The cast of Missing Link get the South Park treatment, for no other reason than that I was having fun playing with this.
154kb OOK! Here we have Linc, star of my not particularly bizarre or new strip Missing Link. Funtastacular indeed.
Oh, and the image is 1024x768 by the way.
188kb 1024 x 768 (307kb) ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US. Those words shot a somewhat run of the mill side scrolling shoot-'em-up megadrive game, Zerowing, and its bizarre arch-villain Cats to international fame. This picture is a crossover of an Atom Plum character i have yet to name and the diabolical Cats. Don't worry if this doesn't make any sense, just look at the picture...
206kb Atom Plum has some Monkey Hassle. This wallpaper is from the cover of Monkey Hassle, what else can i say? Atom Plum, Tech, Gummer and Trax are surrounded by a mysterious force of monkeys...
Oh yeah, this is also available in 1024x768 resolution (actually 1016x768, but its no big impediment) click here (264kb)
265kb Atom Plum goes Super Saiyan! This crossover pic was meant to just be a picture to go with an article i was going to write about the coincidental similarities between Atom Plum and Dragonball Z (among other things...). As it turned out, the picture size was 800x600, so i stuck it up here for all of you. Special thanks to The Ginger Nutter and Ralkahn for their sketches of SSJ3 and SSJ4 Atom Plum respectively (you can't see them in the thumbnail).
334kb The Jester gives Atom Plum a toeanail from the Leg of Time. This was the background of page 15 of Monkey Hassle. Yeah, the shading is more eyecandy than an accurate portrayal of light, but what the hell.