Hey.. this page is starting to look okei! WElcome to the home page for the "I WANT MY AL-TV!" petition, Click here to sign the petition! (and yes, I know the word Province is spelled wrong.. it was late and I can't for the life of my figure out how to edit the petition.. sorry!). Also, check out the original petition.
Oooh.. we have a banner now! Want to link? Use this code!
<!--Start I WANT MY AL-TV code-->
<center><a href=https://www.angelfire.com/weird/iwantmyaltv target=new><img src=https://www.angelfire.com/weird/iwantmyaltv/images/altvbanner.gif alt="I WANT MY AL-TV!" border=0></a></center>
<!--End I WANT MY AL-TV code-->