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Vanessa and Kristen's Makeover, a Second Loser Story

Without permission, not that I need it because I am dictator I am placing our very recent loser story on the internet for any bored loser to see. It all began with me reading one of those teenage Girlie magazines. After skimming though embarrassing moments, and how to get a boyfriend articles, I came upon a recipe and instructions for a make over using food ingredients (hint one not to do it). Being the loser I am I thought this would be fun. Being the loser Vanessa is she agreed with me. We went and spent a bit of money at the grocery store collecting fruit and other assorted items for our beautification. The first and only interesting step I am going to bore you with is our hair mask, containing bananas and honey (hint two not to do it). Well, before we put it in Vanessa said she remembered doing this once and the banana didn't come out (hint three). We blew this off as a one chance happening, and proceeded to put honey (duh!) and banana in our hair. Then we let that horrible mixture sit in our hair for an hour. When it came time to wash our hair juice out, we were surprised to find that it didn't wash out very well, or at all for that matter. So after another thirty minutes on each of our hair we managed to get the large chunks of banana out of our hair. Luckily for us we still had two days until school began, in which many showers can be had, so few saw us with our lovely banana chunk hair. So is my hair shiny and soft like that horrible magazine said? No, it's the same if not frizzy. Vanessa claims that she saw a difference, but I think she was just trying to make excuses for our stupidity. I did learn a valuable lesson though. One should not try to become more beautiful using fruit, just stay ugly and avoid banana hair.
