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Funked Up!!!

This part of my page is about my band "BushLeague"!!! WE WON BANDFEST 2002!!! We are a rock band with many influences from highly musical rock to fast punk and hard rock.

The excellency of BushLeague has played at:

Studebakers Cabaret

China Beach

Purple Onion

Ocean Beach

The Picadilly Pub


Mavericks on the Waterfront

Fox TD Plaza

There are many more, and many more to come...

We are a four peice rock show consisting of:

Lucas "LB Buddy-black-lips" Blount - vocals, rythm guitar

Cole "Cool, Clown" MacKinnon - lead and rythm guitar

Jay "Jason Diesel" Hazelwood - drums

Mike "Drake Manic FUD" Sheldrake - b b b bass

Jason "Rocket Boy" Dupreez - lead and rythm guitar

See you at the show!!!

The boys just after our BANDFEST VICTORY!!! In this order L to R Cole, Mike, Lucas, Jay, Jason!!! old funk jam band)