For the World to Smile
What would make you truly happy?
So your stomach scrunches up,
Trying to hold the happiness in,
But it comes out of your mouth,
As bubbling laughter?
What would make you unconditionally happy?
To where every part of your body smiles,
Your feet wish to dance,
Your arms wish to hug,
And your eyes glisten with a sheen of happiness?
What would it take to take away that frown?
To make you smile with glee,
And laugh, laugh so happily?
After thinking about this,
How could we make the world happy,
Or at least bring a smile to their face?
Why don't you take that smile inside of you,
The one you keep all to yourself,
Take that smile and share it,
Pass it on through the world,
For I' m sure, they will be glad to share it back.

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