October 18, 2001
What's up everyone? Ok, first up, I wanna thank DJ EnZo for signin' my g-spot. I'm sorry it wasn't in the update yesterday. Sheit happens. ::Shrug:: but we cool, rite? A'ightz...
Next up, to Nesana, I hope your concert went well. Hehehe...and remember I get to go to your Christmas concert dammit! You promised!
And to Leo, my guestbook is NOT mean. It's just callin' ya foo' in the sense of "hey, what up friend?" But cooler...cuz that last thing just sounded like cheese...I'll add more crap to my guestbook later..more questions, and you're all free to sign again if you wish.
Other than all that, today was another boring day. The usuals. Uhh...we won't talk too much about my day. And thanks Alfie for telling SOMEONE SOMETHING he didn't need to know! ;) Oi! But I forgive you..unless something bad happens, I forgive you.

October 17, 2001
Sup boiz'n'gurliez? Well...today was another boring day, but first up, I thnk I need to thank Leo and Anna for signing a girlie's G-spot! Leo, who doesn't even want me to e-mail him a thanks, so I must thank him here. And to Anna with her whole guitar thing, keep playin' (and thanks for always visitin' my site)! Guitars rawk...I can't even do my homework when I'm in the same room as my guitar...it calls to me...speaking of which, I still have math to do...
Anyways, today started out as a lot of fun. I had a role-play thing in Law...the script is on the boards, if anyone would care to check that out. You should all start posting on the BOARDS ((click me!))! So check that out, yeh?
Ok..hopefully today I got the right date on the thing..anyways..I got a new song stuck in my head...called "Sick of It All" by Treatment. It's the song on the MGD commercial...it's pretty cool. You guys should check it out..definitely rawkin'! Anyways, I'mma go find my current event for law and gunna go jam with my guitar (or maybe restring my electric....)..anyways, niters all, and thank again to Leo and Anna!

October 16, 2001
I'm guessing I've had my days wrong? Cuz I just found out today was the 16, making yesterday the 15th, and I distinctly remember that I updated yesterday. Oi. I'm so frazzled. PSATs today. That was interesting I guess...minus the fact there wasn't much to be done. With the test being timed, I had way enough time to do the problems and check my answers. Not bad, not bad.
Other than that, not much has happened. Added a new poem..well...it's not new. It's from the first of October in CBA II...we had to do a poem with a watermark, so I may as well share my poem called Nothing. Hope you all enjoy that. And I'm so tired I think I'mma get going...or sum junk. Tomorrow's block day, so only 4 classes...only 4 classes...I'm so TIRED!!! Byee...

October 14, 2001
Yes, I'm getting better at updating my stuff. I'm gunna be adding up my new story called White. Hope you all like this one. Plus I added a new link to the page..it's from White Boi. He's pretty white, but he's cool none the less. Check out his sheit by going to Links on the menu.
Anyways. Today was another boring day in the life of Marie. Tomorrow PSAT's..I'm gunna die..I can't do that sh*t for beans! Anyways, it's just a practice, so it doesn't matter too much. All will be well.
Anyways, sorry it's short today, but I need to go put up that stuff I sed I would. Poem tomorrow if I remember...see ya! Enjoy the site! Go to the boards! People are posting!!!!

October 13, 2001
Hey babes, b*tches, and boi toys! Sorry it's been a while..ok, a long while. Long update, but look for your name at the bottom! Everything's just gone all crazy-made. So much school work, so much everything. I got PSAT's coming up (practice run)...speaking of which I should prolly go and try that...anyways, plus I had a bunch of projects due. Last week there was Terra Nova testing and my project for Greece was due. Then this Monday my English paper is due. ::shakes head:: Plus, Renaissance Fair was this weekend can't miss that! So I went to that...
There was this really drunk guy in front of us. This dude REEKED. He had beer in his hand, mustard smeared all over the face, telling people they had to pay $2 to pass him. He picked on some poor Asian kid who had NO IDEA what to do...you had to be there for it. ANYWAYS...I ended up getting a jangly little charm bracelet, new ring, a Wicked Tinkers CD..I think that was it.
Ariez came over today. That was kinda fun actually. We walked around the neighborhood with my dogs. ::shrug:: We talked about what's been going on. I think I talked too much, since she seems to have a problem with me doing that I guess..oh well. At least there wasn't any weird silences.
Otherwise, bad stuff has been going around. A round of bad luck to people. Break-ups especially, so everyone's bum. My sister burned the motor in her car. She just got a new car now (I want a car!!!). And for anyone else out there having bad luck, don't worry. It's going around.
This entry is dedicated to White Boi who said I need to update my site more (are ya happy now? Go post. Be interesting). This also is dedicated to Vaughan who supposedly posted on the boards. For you people, GO POST! Dedicated to my girl Nesana for always being there and listening to me b*tch. To all the boiz and gurlz that have always been there for me, you've all been wonderful. Well, you know if you are or not. To all the people who continually visit the site, a BIG THANKS. And it's dedicated to a special someone, who I doubt even looks at this site, but to him, I want to say that I will always be here as a friend for you, whether you acknowledge it or not, and whenever you need that friend, I'll be here. MINUTEMAID.

September 24, 2001
Ok, so I'm a slacker with the whole updates thing...my bad...But hey, guess what? Handsome Devil's album is coming out TOMORROW. Oi, and I just finished updating the HD site as best I can for now, since I don't have much time. I'll prolly have a bunch of time this weekend seeing as nothing is happening. Well, visit the site! It's on the clicky thing! Go! NOW!

September 22, 2001
Hey what up? Nothin' much here...sorry, it's all been a while. Eh, life's been going. Did I ever mention sophomore year sucks? They decide to give you all this work. I mean, freshman year all you could depend on was math for homework every nite, and maybe one night a week, you get homework from another class. Sophomore year? Homework from most your classes. That sucks. That's all.
Anyways..went to Wet'n'Wild today. That was kinda fun. Or at least interesting. We didn't make any new friends tho. No this whole year. Last year we made friends left'n'right. This year? Eh, we just go chill, make fun of the dumb broads that think they're the sh!t. Ah well. I guess everyone has stupid moments, and other people take it to extremes. Anyways, that's all for tonight. Good night Las Vegas.

September 12, 2001
Yep, another day another entry. So I guess you all heard about the Twin Towers? Hasn't everyone? To Jason, China is not gunna kill us..if anything a certain part-Chinese person will kill you for suposing such an idea :) Much luv to you! But I just wanted to say yes I am sorry to the victims in the building, to the families of the victims, and I would like to say I truly respect any of those firefighters and police officers that died trying to save people. To family members of those people, remember them not because they died, but because they were some of the bravest souls. Otherwise, I have nothing more to say about that. I knew no one in the planes, in the buildings, therefore I may be a bit..unsympathetic. Oh darn...that's just me.
Otherwise, not much has happened in the world of Marie today. Got a new cell phone...for any of my friends, ask if you want the number..don't like the idea of sharing it with the whole world online :) Well, back to the old coal mines again tomorrow. But yanno what? Friday is the dance at school. Not saying it's gunna be the sheit, but it'll be something to do. And I don't know what else is gunna happen this weekend. Prolly nothing...but it'll be nice to sleep. Stayed up too late the past few nites...I'm out. Tired.

September 6, 2001
Hey, what's up? Yeh, been busy with school and stuff..what a bore and what a dumb thing to be busy with. Well, the past weekend was fun. Nesana and I went to the Adventure Dome and spent the day there. Heheh...dumb Killa Kali ;) (long story). Anyways, that's all that pretty much happened. Oh, and a buncha people skipped out and bailed on going with us. Ah ha ya dumb sh!ts, ya missed out on a helluva good time. For the people that truly couldn't go, you'll go next time, yes?
Other than that, not much has happened. No new updates..I know..working..working..ah well. No magickal numbers...dammit! But other than that, eh..well...nothing!

Visitor 696 AND 700
was Heather! Thanks for visiting my page (multiple multiple times!!) AND signing my G-spot! You rawk! Too bad you go to Durango, but it's all good. Keep in touch gurlie! Much luv goes out to my home girl for that one! Anyone else a "special number"? Any number will do :)

September 2, 2001
Yep, updating again. It hasn't show up, but thanks to Heather for signing my G-spot! Much luv! I also got the Poems section up. It's beautiful..Ok, only 1 poem, but I wanna thank Mike for the idea, very nice!
I made it back from school too! Amazin', eh? Well, returned to school. THAT was interesting. They sent me the wrong PM bus route, so it wasn't so easy getting home after school on the first day. I don't like my classes (5 honors, 1 accounting, 1 computer business applications, and 1 law..yay...). But you know how that goes. Went bowling last night..and the night before. That was fun. I'm getting better...high scores were in the 140's.
Tonight was fun. Went to that Mini Grand Prix place right off of the freeway (still haven't figured out the names of the freeways around here...). But it was so much fun. I'm justa leadfoot. And my nephew's best friend was riding with me..poor kid..every time we passed the gate..all he'd say was,"bye momma....". I thought he was gunna crap his pants. But that's all that's pretty much happened here lately. More later!

August 28, 2001
Well, another night, another signer to the guestbook: Vaughan! Thanks buddy! I still need a pic of you! Oi, I added 2 new pics to the gallery..they're blurry though. Fix that later.

Visitor 666
Was Nesana. Thanks for visiting the site (how many times did you hit refresh????). Anyone else out there hit an interesting number? Like 696, 700, etc. feel free to IM me and say so (BarkyRox)!

August 27, 2001
Well, I'm back. Lesse..what'd I add? Oh, picture gallery! Yeh, buncha pics of me and some of my friends (I'm still in the process of adding more pics). And if yer one of my friends, be sure to send me a pic of you, please? Bio's up too.
Oi! And new game up! It's Pac-Man! Well..generic version. If you think you might be slow at catching on, like HOW TO PLAY, go to the Pac-Man directions on the site menu. It has everything you need to know..well...it will. :) Give it time!
Otherwise, I would like to thank this kid named Brandon a.k.a. "White Boi" for being the second person to sign my G-Spot...too bad he can't spell my name for beans. Hey White Boi, remember you gotta go to skool and lick the bottom of my shu Thursday for free :) Heheh..
For all the visitors to my site, well, enjoy. Almost always have a new message up (shout-outs, news, etc.), so check back often, and uh..sign my book please??

August 25, 2001 -
Later on in the night..

Well, so I just got back from a jazz concert...that was....interesting. Buncha old fogeys smoking their lungs out and one old dude tried to demand that my mom to go to the back of the line. What a piss-ant...I hate people like that..I mean it's one thing to inform and another thing to be a jackass. But that's my opinion.
Anyways, to the website thing. I had the first person sign my G-spot: Nesana. Much luv to her for that. If you wish for me to mention you too, sign the book and put it in there you want me to mention your butt :) Hmm, other than that, I'm working on the rest of the stuff. If we're lucky, I'll have my bio up tonight (cover yo' eyes or you'll go blind!). Uhh..right. Out.

August 25, 2001
Hey everyone, at this point in time, just trying to get this site working straight, getting the scrollbox to cooperate..ah well. We'll get it working eventually. Maybe..I'll be adding the rest of the stuff up later on..I figure work with all the pages on the menu first and I'll add the others up as I go.
Other than that, this is what I've accomplished for today. Not much, huh? Ah well, what can you expect? I have the story section up (it still only has my two stories on there..I'll add more as I write..if I have time). Poems section isn't up yet..need to type those up. The How to Use Chopsticks and Handsome Devil sites are still up. Just got a new guestbook. Wanna be the first to sign it?