Hey everyone, here's my photo gallery. This is pretty much a bunch of people that I don't know and decided to pretend I know...nah, I really know them....maybe...

The radioactive green monkey watches you. DON'T SCREW IT UP.

first one, l-->r is Ariez, me, then Nesana...I dunno why it's so blurry. Uh..try and fix that later, alright?

left to right: Tyler,me, and Whitney

Nesana CLAIMS this is the only picture of her she likes... :P

That's Jason on Alfie's shulders...uhh..yeh...

This pic didn't NEED captions....l to r: Whitney, Heather, Tashia, me, an Nesana

Yes, me and my buddy Ty in front of the mall. Ty is wearing a Hello Trailer Park in navy blue ($17). Marie is wearing her balls around her neck (Uhh...).

Me and my cute lil nephew..isn't he adorable?

We're sisters....full blood..but we pretend we're not :) Right sis? Luv ya muchly!

More Pics! NeXt -->