White By Marie

I sat quietly. I rested in the best, plushest Lay-Z-Boy. It was a dull brown, lightly freckled in spots of red and blue. I rocked back and forth. I heard the springs as my chair moved. The light pings and creaks of it all. The roaring fireplace filled my ears. I spun my chair away.

All I could see was an immensity of white: white walls, white ceiling, white carpet...it was white. How I loved the color, so spotless and clean.

Something aroused panic in me. Something. A panic swept through my thin wirey network of veins. My eyes searched the immaculate room, the whiteness of it all. A sweat broke out, a light sheen of dampness covered my skin, the sweat was burning. It was searing hot, or maybe searing cold, or maybe, it was just me.

Oh so hot. The heat. I must be sick. Yes. That was it. Sick. I stood up, pulling my robe closer, my white terry-cloth robe. It was damp with sweat. My nerves. Oh was I a wreck! The walls were so close, compacting me like a garbage truck. Closer. Closer.

I rushed outside. Oh the icy snow would help. I was barefoor, pacing along the front of my house, my white house. I could feel blistering cold on my feet, icicles must have been forming between the toes. Yet there was a heat that broke through the 20 degree cold, nipping at me. Oh the whiteness of the snow. I laid down, white covering me, white under me. I loved the color. My eyes closed. A white light shined brightly down.

I opened my eyes. White ceiling. White walls. White sheets, white floor, white curtain. And a machine that went beep...beep...beep. Where was I? What was I doing here? Hospital. Hypothermia. White. 3 weeks of pure white hell.

Stuck in all that white. I hated thee color. I felt like a bull does towards red. No longer did I want to return home to that white monstrocity.

I pulled my coat closer as I neared my house. A damn white coat, of all colors. They couldn't find a grey one I suppose. I thought of the house. I'd repaint it. Redecorate. It'd be blue, or orange, or yellow, or hell! Rainbow! How about black? a voice asked. Yes. Black. I approached the house, half expecting that white demonic color.

Only the framework remained, a blackened skeleton of my once home.

But it still was my home! My beloved home! I smiled until my face hurt. No white. None of that color that made me want to destroy. Just sweet, dark black. I stood for hours, the cold nipping at my ankles. I stared at my house. It had never been better. No roof, no windows, no walls, or bathroom, or bed, or fireplace, or comfortable Lay-Z-Boy, but it wasn't white, that was all that mattered.

The snow began to fall, and it was white. That damnable color. It touched my house, tarnishing it's perfection. My perfect house. It destroyed the house's beauty! The earth was against me! Nature was against me! The perfection.....oh the perfection....it was ruined! I thought as I blacked out.