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Operation Smiley Face is a HUGE Success

Welcome to OSF. If you have gotten here by mistake, feel free to stick around and watch, at your own risk. You may want to join our coalition, but that takes a very special kind of person. If our organization seems appealing, email technoblasko or hura with the subject line, "long live the great OSF". Don't waste our time.

The menu to the right should be sufficient in answering any questions.

Alrighty now boys and girls, an osf revival is underway. Plaster your smilies everywhere. oh and nahan says no more gay pics. You may rememebr that we were working on a new website, but Stoid slacked off and went and lost our spot. It has been taken over by a bunch of old people. Go write them nasty letters! Look!. These losers are trying to steal our identity! We must destroy them.

Mars has been conquored by the OSF. You don't believe me?

Boy, oh boy, is there some news to report! We have been picking up new memebrs pretty rapidly in the past month. Check out OTT and OTZ. Lookout for a couple new recruits in the upcoming weeks. Also we did some house cleaning so if you find something missing, it never existed in the first place. Email technoblasko with complaints. Plus, OSF has developed new tactics. America Online R Instant Message is the perfect breeding groun for OSF ideas. If you are curious about how this is advancing, check out the small print on the memebers pages. Hope all are well. Hura ;)

if you haven't seen it yet here is the yearbook ad we tried so hard to get.

We have been sent a sign from the OSF divinities. Due to the mysterious disapperance of his icon on the members page, OOb will cease to exist ever again in any OSF records.

It has been almost a year, but exciting new things are happening... check it out!

Don't for get to keep sending in your pics of OSF domination.

I added a guest book and an event calander today. I hope it improves the quality of you life, but probably it won't.

I am beginning to believe that the stoid will never get any work completed on the new site. Hura may be forced to keep up her job as webmistress forever. i guess are webpage will always suck. sorry guys.
anyway, exciting news! OSF has placed its first ad in the Lutheran North yearbook. It is a simple osf logo and will take up a whole half oof a page! woohoo! keep in mind, this kind of thing is expensive. if anyone wants to help donate some money, we still owe $16 dollars. Thanks to OOT, OOZ, OOH, OOb, OOF, and the Stoid.
One more thing, OSF will have its first meeting tomorrow at around 1:00 p.m. at the bread co. in the loop. there is much to discuss.