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Mystik... Mysty... Did it really matter what you called her? It was obvious that it wasn't her given name... But, hey, who are you to judge?

There wasn't anything amazingly interesting about her background. She had grown up in a normal family... normal house... no siblings... Pretty boring, actually. Now she lived on her own. One of those people that lived for the night. How she had stumbled upon Rhy'Din was of no consequence. She had gotten there somehow, and that was all that mattered.

She was usually decked out in her usual club attire: A black baby-tee, maybe... Or her fave vinyl corset-style top... Black bondage skirt... Or perhaps a pair of jeans... Wide, of course, usually some kind of bright strip down the leg... Fishnets or sparkley tights when she wore her skirts... Knee high or mid-calf boots... Sometimes combat, sometimes platform... ... Just the basics... Maybe even a dress every now and again...

Pretty laid back, I guess you could say. Open-minded and such. Catch her at a club... Maybe she'd notice you... No promises though... ... ...
