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This is the part of my site for stuff 'bout me.

And this is the guy who'll come after you if you try to steal anything from my site that's by me. -grin-

This a pic of Steve, Dan and Dino. In that order. Descending.

And here is a pic of A Yexxl. -nod-

And here is a pic done by my bud Stacey of herself and her boyfriend, Curt.

Here we have a very stressed boy,
because he reflects my feelings right now,
though not to the extent I feel them.

This is a sketchy, worried looking Shinji.

Yo. 'Nother Shinji, though he looks happy now.

A smudgy kitty-girl who is verry much smudgy.

Some weird, big lips.

This is my quick take on Delirium.
She looks kin'a sad, though, dun she?

Now go look at some art stuffs by Mikey!

At some point in the future,
there'll be some more drawings by me
and some pics of my friends and pics of me (maybe) and some poetry
and other fun things to read and see and say, "Nifty!" 'bout.

But right now... there's just a bit... as you can plainly see... -shrug-

So deal. -grin-

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