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According to dad, his girlfriend, my mother, and many other people, I have a bad habit of trying to do everything and to please everyone. I'm convinced that I can do it. (yeah right). Well... among the many things that I do, art is one of the top. Well... art and music.

(yes, I realize he's sideways. I'm too damn lazy to fix that right now) I drew this a few years back after I had found the coolest picture of superman in a comic book. Haven't drawn many comic book guys since, although I suppose I'm a professional artist, seeing as I've been paid for my work, although it wasn't much. These are a few pics I did in the Beginning Life Drawing class at MIT. Not the best I could've done, but really... drawing on an easel after your arms are hurting from lifting weights isn't that easy.

This is from the comic I draw when I feel like it... I call it entropy. It's basically a sarcastic little devil and a pig who says oink. This is my first attempt at making him on a computer. Did it on my laptop with the little nub... not the touchpad. Be amazed that it turned out so well. AMAZED. (If you're not thinking that it looks well, click on it to enlarge to the right size...)

I have plenty of things to occupy my time, but MIT seems to take the cake. MIT, or hell, as it's known around here, is the most wonderful/horrible place in the world for me to be. Not only does the school keep me constantly occupied in my waking hours with scholastics and the track team, but it also keeps my sleeping hours occupied with homework. Nothing like a semester of 3-4 hour nights to cheer you right up!

Gotta love the hacks!

If you want to see my resume... go here. I will add more of what I've done later on.

I wanna go home!!!