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last updated: 26 january

for months, looking at the old (p)nodd design brought searing pain to my fragile eyes. i've tried to come up with an innumberable amount of layouts to soothe the pain, but nothing i spawned was acceptable. however, for the past five months, visiting (p)nodd and seeing those goddamn pill bottles, each time my sneer deepens as i truly realize how much they suck. i mean, the pill bottles suck more than the pop artists (p)nodd opposes, and even broken monkeys wouldn't suck that off the floor.

- member list updated  ð
- minor errors corrected to the revolution story  ð
(p)nodd © resa & kate; design © kate & inspired by eris; image © bobby burgess. (p)nodd was est. in june, 2001.

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