Gunn's bio

Charles Gunn lived with his sister Alonna for many years in a shelter on Plummer Street. From a relatively young age, they begin to fight vampires along with a small group of other homeless kids. Gunn would always look out for and protect his sister, but would sometimes get to involved with his fight against the vampires. In the year 2000, Gunn began a war against a group of vampires led by Knox. The two groups would often fight, and there were many casualties on both sides. During one lookout, Gunn sees the souled vampire Angel, who was threatening a blackmailer. Gunn mistook him for an ordinary vampire and tried to kill Angel. The fight reached Gunn’s shelter, but Angel stopped fighting when he realised that Gunn and his group were human. Even though Angel saved Alonna from a metal bolt, Gunn doesn’t believe that he and Angel are on the same sides. Soon after Angel has left, Knox leads an ambush against Gunn and during the struggle, Alonna is kidnapped. Arriving at the vampires lair, Gunn finds Alonna but she is now a vampire. Alonna tells Gunn that she is better as a vampire, and asks him to join her, saying they can stay together forever. Just as she is about to bite him, Gunn stakes her. Angel successfully convinces Knox’s vampires to stay away from Gunn and his group. Angel realises that Gunn could be of great help to him in his own fight against the dark forces and has now begun to rely on his help. After assisting Angel on two more cases, months passed before Gunn saw him again, not to mention meeting Cordelia and Wesley for the first time. Although he treated his time with Angel Investigations as a “side-gig,” Gunn eventually became a full-time member of the gang. Although at first skeptical, he was touched by Cordelia’s willingness to give her life for him and his respect for Wesley was earned when he took a bullet for Gunn. Gunn grew close to a member of the team, Fred, and they bonded together. However since Gunn killed an old professor of Fred's, and Fred shared a kiss with Wesley, the relationship was on the rocks and they broke it off. Since then Gunn has been helping Angel and co with the demons. On his latest visit to their new offices at Wolfram & Hart, something strange happened when he went into the white room. In the white room he got in contact with the senior partners somehow. They chose him to become the lawyer in the Angel gang. He was given an "injection" of lawyer know how courtesy of Wolfram & Hart.