mmmm.... body art. yum. you cant really tell in some of my pictures, but i am (as i was told once) a "pierced up honky bitch." haha. yes. i got my first piercing (eyebrow) the summer before my freshman year. and damnit all to hell, it turns out that piercings are addictive! so around christmastime of my freshman year, i got my eyebrow pierced again (same side). i'm not gonna go through and tell you why i got all i did, but i will tell you everything i've got, and in what order... except for my lobe and regular cartillage piercings (a total of 11 right there). so. next was my tongue... and then my conch. after that, i took a break for a while... and then had my industrial done after graduation. it's still giving me some problems. angie (allen's sister) did both my conch and my industrial (haha, tehcnically that counts as two piercings!) so that's neat. and just a few weeks ago, i got #18 done... my labret. it was such a good deal ($20 plus jewelry) that i couldnt pass it up! most of the piercings, im not especially proud of, but my ear--its a freakin work of art, if you're into piercings... and the labret is new. so there's pics of them below (please excuse the scar tissue and what not on the industrial!). you can check out the tongue and eyebrow piercings on the page with all my pics.


Okay... piercings are cool, but i have been wanting this tattoo for a few years. once i turned 18, it took me three extra weeks to get it done (i got a great deal because of that!). i found the main clover design on the internet and Allen (the hot guy who did it) designed the tribal edges. i decided to get this design because i feel like it reflects a big part of my heritage, and lately ive been big on representing culture and heritage (later, i'll tell you bout the other tattoos i want!). above it, i was supposed to get "Balance & love" in a nice Uncial font, but the stencil smeared and Allen didnt have time to make a new one. So now, that’s become its own tattoo idea. yes, it hurt. it did for a few days.. some of it wasnt that bad, but the shading was horrible. i had my mom and my friend F take these pics for me (and kind of you), but the battery in our digital camera went dead about 2/3 the way through. so sorry, i dont have a pic of the final thing... the only thing different is that the clover is filled in with a bright green (that hurt the worst for some reason). the pictures are pretty much in order, time-wise.
ok... here's the pics—enjoy, and more to come!

now i've got two tattoos. and what can i say about the newer one? well.... lots of things. my mom gets really into native american astrology and totems sometimes, and i am always portrayed by a hawk or falcon or some angry bird of prey (but not an eagle). and i have always liked wings... and i've been fascinated with wing tattoos ever since i saw the one in the crow. so when i bought AFI's "sing the sorrow," their wing icon really did it for  me--i looked at them and though "i will have this tattooed on me somewhere!". stop right there: dont criticise me yet. i didnt get the band's name tattooed on me, jeeze, how dumb do you think i am?! no. just the pair of wings. heh, that was kind of funny. see, i got the sticker with the pair of wings, and stuck it on my car before i realized i watned the tattoo. so i had to find something transparent and trace the tattoo off my car. right. so then i had the idea and the sketch. i decided that i was going to get this tattoo the day after Warped Tour, down in Marysville (even though AFI didnt play). problem is... we get down to Marysville and cant find a single tattoo place! so i go back home and pout, but then make an appointment with allen, since i am really loyal to him now. now, i love the guys... but they have got a big problem with keeping appointments. part of that's because they do walk-ins. so blah blah blah... finally i just walked in one day and said "Allen, how much will this cost? Can you do it right now?" and then i got my tattoo! no nifty pictures of the process (i went by myself this time), but i do have one of the finished process. looking back, i think i got them a little lower than i should have... but i still love em! haha, this was taken about an hour or two afterwards, and if you look close enough you can see that neat tattoo texture thing going on--eww!

alrighty... so those are the only tattoos i actually have right now, but trust me--i have many plans for my body. if you want to see my sketches and what-not, click here.