Drunk Film

developed a pretty good roll of film... i'm going to divide it into sober pictures and drunk pictures.

Sober Pictures
(believe it or not)
playing in the hallway

 emily made a bridge....                                   .....and elijah skated under it

emily skating down the hall....            and emily skating as superman

(insert explosion noise here)

coffee mc-space needle       this was supposed to be a cleavage shot

see, boys, these are the flowers i like. buy them for me.   

Drunk pictures
from the end-of-lent bash

the crew: maddie, jonathan, claire; clay, johanna, and elijah.

^emily's first drink after over 40 days and nights.... with a lime!^

as the night progressed, so did emily's drinking..... she chugged the damn vodka!

^^claire, the evil shot monster.                   she turns you into this.^^

after enough drinks, we finally got elijah into a dress. i'm waiting on more pictures from clay.

     ^pimp, chris, pimp.^                 everyone got really affectionate that night.^^

this is what my desk looked like halfway through the night.

click away for more drunk picutres!