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Hi! My Name Is alien_kitty_2001 and I belong to weirdo_gurl21!

My Favorite Things About Weirdo_gurl21

Hi!! I've already told u who i am, but where do i come from? Well I come from! I live in a place called neopia and i am an aisha whish is a type of neopet! Too much to remember? Well check it out for yourself!

Click here for neopets!

One day, I hope that weirdo_gurl get's a faerie paint brush!!!

Then I would go with all my friends to rainbow pool to get painted! Do you know what rainbow pool looks like? Well here's a picture of it that i took when i got painted blue (i was white for a bit!)

And then i would come back looking like this:

Or if she got a stripped paint brush i wouldn't mind either!

I would look like this:

Or should i getand turn out looking like this?

I think you should decide which paint brush i use!

Did i tell you that I had a boyfriend? He's a yellow Aisha! Here's his pic!

His name is Vinny731! His owner is robotarmy!

Do you what to see him for yourself? Don't get jelous now!

I hope he doesn't fall for these aishas!

If he did i would get sooooo jelous!

One thing that i have always wanted is to have the power of the fire faerie in the battle dome! Then i'd be indistructable!

One day I will turn into a butterfly like this ledgendery Butterfly Aisha did! All aishas look up to her!
